info Overview
Name - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s full name?

Isabella Esperanza Martinez

Other names - What other aliases does Isabella Esperanza Martinez go by?

Izzie, Bella

Role - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s role in your story?

Part of main cast.

Age - How old is Isabella Esperanza Martinez?


Gender - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s gender?

Cisgender girl.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?


Hair Style - How does Isabella Esperanza Martinez style their hair?

Wavy and frizzy.

Hair Color - What color is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s hair?

Light brown.

Height - How tall is Isabella Esperanza Martinez?


Weight - How much does Isabella Esperanza Martinez weigh?

135 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?

  • Low tenor voice.

  • Wears different colored eyes everyday, thanks to contacts. Changes hair color every week.

  • Likes to wear bright colors, stands out. Think London Tipton, but more colorful.

Body Type

Slightly chubby, small upper body. Mesomorph.

Skin Tone

Moderate brown.

Race - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s race?

Human, Latina.

Eye Color - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s eye color?

(Natural) Dark blue.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?

  • Goes overboard on doing things.

  • Fluctuating self-esteem. Somedays she's self-assured to the point of being arrogant, other days she's /literally/ beating herself up.

  • Spoiled. Tactless. Brutally honest, no matter what.


ADHD- Hyperactive, dangerously close to depression.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?

  • Smiles a lot when happy. Her eyes soften, and she pays attention to everyone.

  • Bites lips when nervous. She knows it gets guys' attention, and they like to drop everything to help her.

  • Smiles disarmingly when mad. Nobody's used to that.

  • Randomly walks around whenever bored. Very light sleeper.

  • Uses pet names for everyone (hun, darling, sweetie, etc)

Motivations - What motivates Isabella Esperanza Martinez most?

  • Outwardly, wants to have as much fun as possible.

  • Inwardly, she's lost her dad, and just wants to keep moving forward to forget.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?

  • Atelophobia = phobia of self-imperfection.

  • Dislikes happy-go-lucky people, feels very drained by them.

Talents - What talents does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?

Chatting. Watching horror movies & horror indie games. Obsessed with games of chance and can always tell the odds of a good or bad outcome of a situation.

Personality type - What personality type is Isabella Esperanza Martinez?

  • Isabella isn't your typical mean girl clique leader. She's knows that she looks good, and she knows that guys know too. She draws people in with her flamboyancy and charm. She laughs and plays along with drama. But it's all a facade.

  • Her house is big and empty, filled to the brim with materials, but rarely people. Isabella is full of herself, and oozes with charm, to forget her past. Maybe, if she keeps up the facade, she will be happy. Somehow.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s favorite food?

Paella and churros.

Favorite color - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s occupation?

  • High school student.

  • Wants to be a substance abuse counselor.

Politics - What politics does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?

She doesn't care either way. A pretty big source of distress for her mother though.

Religion - What religion does Isabella Esperanza Martinez practice?


Favorite animal - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s favorite animal?

Guinea pigs.

Favorite weapon - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s favorite weapon?


info History
Birthday - When is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s birthday?

December 17. Sagittarius.

Background - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s background?

  • Mother is a corporate pilot, father was a banker. Dad drank a lot.

  • Knows Spanish, English, and bits of other languages.

Education - What is Isabella Esperanza Martinez’s level of education?

High school, senior.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Isabella Esperanza Martinez have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Theme Song: Heartbreaker Party (Marina and the Diamands/Melanie Martinez)

  • Isabella says that she doesn't use her money, her name. Yet she sometimes acts spoiled, and demands to be paid attention to "because I'm important!"

  • Isabella is more of an antihero than anything else.

  • Core:

  • External:

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