info Overview
Name - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s full name?

The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds

Role - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s role in your story?

Main character

Other names - What other aliases does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters go by?

Goes by Bas all the time with everyone.
Family used to call him Basil.

Gender - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s gender?


Age - How old is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?


Eye Color - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s eye color?


Race - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s race?

Probably of European decent (like diluted Eastern European; olive undertones)

Skin Tone


Body Type

Muscular (but purely for purpose) as in to be fit and ready to move and fight as needed

Weight - How much does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters weigh?


Height - How tall is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters?


Hair Color - What color is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s hair?

A light, mocha brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

His very noticeable wings, and some scars around them (from haphazard, intoxicated attempt to remove them by his addict mother)

Hair Style - How does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters style their hair?

It’s somewhat curly and in a way fluffy, in plainest terms. Think a subdued version of Jean-Ralphio.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

Overly dramatic people, sees them as ridiculous and annoying, shallow


Has wings. Is also a healer. But mainly fights defensively

Personality type - What personality type is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters?

Sort of awkward and a little oblivious at first. Some what self-absorbed, yet also extremely caring.

Hobbies - What hobbies does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

Playing with siblings, learning new things (just serfs the web for stuff to learn about), brain puzzles

Talents - What talents does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

He can whistle Beethoven's 5th, Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, and Flight of the Bees

Flaws - What flaws does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

He is not very perceptive, thinks of himself more than he means to (means well, but sometimes isn't) is always in a sort of siege mentality

Motivations - What motivates The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters most?

To establish a more open society for The Powers so that they are free to be as they are in public etc.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

Does the sort of praying hands a lot 🙏🏻

groups Social
Favorite color - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters practice?

I feel like perhaps he is a catholic boi

Politics - What politics does The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters have?

Feels that it's unfair that he and his fellow Powers are forced to hide themselves in order to conform.

Occupation - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s occupation?


Favorite food - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s favorite food?

Red Velvet Cake

Favorite possession - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s favorite possession?

A rubber duck that Ada gives him

Favorite weapon - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s favorite weapon?

Knives. Just stab stab

Favorite animal - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s favorite animal?


videocam History
Birthday - When is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s birthday?

March 30th, 1997

Education - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s level of education?

Never really went to a traditional school in part because Sarah never took him, and the Peters thought it would be best to home-school him so he could catch up and not have worry about his powers.

Background - What is The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters’s background?

His mom was always high or something, but was otherwise fine until his Powers manifested, and then she would try to stop it by hurting him. This led her to drink and do more drugs until child services found him, placed him in foster care until he was officially adopted by the Peters after Sarah over-dosed.

Began dabbling in cooking after being adopted by the Peters. The thing was that he would put copious amounts of Basil in everything because he like the way it sounded. So they started calling him Basil, and eventually just Bas. He then begins introducing himself as Bas, rarely telling people his full name.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters

Character chevron_right Children link linked The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters

Character chevron_right Friends link linked The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked The Prince of Dragon Fire, The Rain Of Sorrows, The Tears of the Innocent, Destoyer of Worlds Peters

This character was created by Abrie on

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