info Overview
Name - What is Anna Peters’s full name?

Anna Peters

Role - What is Anna Peters’s role in your story?

The Peters’ Mom™️

Other names - What other aliases does Anna Peters go by?


Gender - What is Anna Peters’s gender?


Age - How old is Anna Peters?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Anna Peters have?


Eye Color - What is Anna Peters’s eye color?

Hot cocoa

Race - What is Anna Peters’s race?

Japanese, probably, but like 3rd generation or something

Skin Tone

Idk like white_ish i guess

Body Type

Idk, just sorta like normal average nothing special

Weight - How much does Anna Peters weigh?


Height - How tall is Anna Peters?


Hair Color - What color is Anna Peters’s hair?

Dark brown with graying pieces

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Anna Peters have?


Hair Style - How does Anna Peters style their hair?

Just straight, shoulder length

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite color - What is Anna Peters’s favorite color?


Politics - What politics does Anna Peters have?

Is clearly for The Powers, and tries to protect those of her children that have them, but especially Bas since he works for the hero company thing.

Occupation - What is Anna Peters’s occupation?

Pediatric Nurse

Favorite food - What is Anna Peters’s favorite food?

Ice Cream

Favorite possession - What is Anna Peters’s favorite possession?

Kids’ drawings

Favorite weapon - What is Anna Peters’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Anna Peters’s favorite animal?

Freaking glow fish, man

videocam History
Birthday - When is Anna Peters’s birthday?

January 7, 1979

Education - What is Anna Peters’s level of education?

Like med school or whatever she’s a nurse

Background - What is Anna Peters’s background?

Comes from a really loving, fun family

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Anna Peters

Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Anna Peters

This character was created by Abrie on

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