info Overview
Name - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s full name?

Quincey Cinalianté

Role - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s role in your story?

Ada’s Brother

Other names - What other aliases does Quincey Cinalianté go by?


Gender - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s gender?


Age - How old is Quincey Cinalianté ?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Quincey Cinalianté have?

No 👎

Eye Color - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Race - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s race?

White or whatever

Skin Tone

Darker than Ada and Dani’s though closer to Dani’s

Body Type

Average nothing special

Weight - How much does Quincey Cinalianté weigh?


Height - How tall is Quincey Cinalianté ?


Hair Color - What color is Quincey Cinalianté ’s hair?

Brown probably

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Quincey Cinalianté have?

Scar on left cheek (right to viewer)

Hair Style - How does Quincey Cinalianté style their hair?

It’s like a pretty regular dude haircut

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Quincey Cinalianté have?

Less against the powers. Less.

Personality type - What personality type is Quincey Cinalianté ?

No crap kind of attitude. People usually think he’s just really mean.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Quincey Cinalianté have?

Baking. Neighbors are scared of him until he comes over with cookies, and they are scared at first, but then they take a chance and now he caters their parties.

Talents - What talents does Quincey Cinalianté have?

Baking (highest stat), and like fighting and crap

Flaws - What flaws does Quincey Cinalianté have?

Kinda mean on accident

Motivations - What motivates Quincey Cinalianté most?

Becomeing his father’s hier

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Quincey Cinalianté have?

Doesn’t usually talk with hands unless upset.
(Doesn’t usually get upset).

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s occupation?


Bumps into Ada while she’s sneaking around at the hero facility

Favorite food - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s favorite food?

Flipz (if you touch his flipz u get stabbed)

Favorite possession - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s favorite possession?

A drawing Ada drew him when she was 5 and he was 14.

Favorite weapon - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s favorite weapon?

Guns but also swords and knives 🔪 stabby stabby

Favorite animal - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s favorite animal?

Blob fish

videocam History
Birthday - When is Quincey Cinalianté ’s birthday?

November ,1993

Education - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s level of education?

High school, some college

Background - What is Quincey Cinalianté ’s background?

Is pretty close to Ada, surprisingly.
Also close to dad.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Quincey Cinalianté

Character chevron_right Children link linked Quincey Cinalianté

This character was created by Abrie on

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