info Overview
Name - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s full name?

Dashiel Cinalianté

Role - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s role in your story?

The Cinalianté’s Dad™️

Other names - What other aliases does Dashiel Cinalianté go by?


Gender - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s gender?


Age - How old is Dashiel Cinalianté?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

A little scraggly

Eye Color - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s eye color?


Race - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s race?

White omanaisjfndn

Skin Tone

Much like Q

Body Type

Like Batman

Weight - How much does Dashiel Cinalianté weigh?


Height - How tall is Dashiel Cinalianté?


Hair Color - What color is Dashiel Cinalianté’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

Scars galore

Hair Style - How does Dashiel Cinalianté style their hair?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

Against The Powers


He used to be able to control magnetic fields, until it was taken by someone he thought was his friend when he was about 16.

Personality type - What personality type is Dashiel Cinalianté?

Serious, but still jokes around and stuff

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dashiel Cinalianté have?


Talents - What talents does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

He’s really good at his job
Dad jokes™️

Flaws - What flaws does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

Against The Powers, slow to adopt new pints of view

Motivations - What motivates Dashiel Cinalianté most?

To show that The Powers are unnecessary and over-glorified by being better (more efficient and environmentally conscious) than the FCA/The Powers.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

Full hand point

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s favorite color?


Politics - What politics does Dashiel Cinalianté have?

Against The Powers and the hero program

Occupation - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s occupation?

Minimally paid hero

Favorite food - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s favorite possession?

His kids’ baby books

Favorite weapon - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s favorite weapon?

Guns ooooh

Favorite animal - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s favorite animal?


videocam History
Birthday - When is Dashiel Cinalianté’s birthday?

June 6th, 1978

Education - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s level of education?

College for like 4 years or something. I have one idea in what though.

Background - What is Dashiel Cinalianté’s background?

Used to have powers before they were taken by someone he thought was his friend, so now he doesn’t trust like any of The Powers

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Dashiel Cinalianté

This character was created by Abrie on

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