info Overview
Name - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s full name?

Adele Marie Cinalianté

Role - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s role in your story?

Protagonist, Support then co-hero, turned villain (low key)

Other names - What other aliases does Adele Marie Cinalianté go by?

Goes by Ada to everyone

Gender - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s gender?


Age - How old is Adele Marie Cinalianté?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?


Eye Color - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s eye color?

Lavender (oh yeah)

Race - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale. White. Tans well.

Body Type

Short, but curvy

Weight - How much does Adele Marie Cinalianté weigh?

~ 155 lbs.

Height - How tall is Adele Marie Cinalianté?

Like, 5’2”

Hair Color - What color is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s hair?

Platinum blonde

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Some scars from training and stuff.

After that torture, I think she should have this purple mark down her face, neck, arm, and leg, and her eye changes color. So the next time Bas sees her, he's even more concerned because he can tell she's been hurt.

Hair Style - How does Adele Marie Cinalianté style their hair?

Mid length curly bed head look

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Snobby rich people, homophobes

Thinks rich people who are rude don’t deserve what they have. This stems from her family growing up relatively poor.

She doesn’t like homophobes because she feels that at this point there really is no reason for anyone to be so close-minded. Plus, some of them tend to be huge jerks.


Electrical/Magnetic/Electromagnetic Manipulation (including brain waves, etc.)

Personality type - What personality type is Adele Marie Cinalianté?

Loud, extroverted, animated, but self-conscious at times

Hobbies - What hobbies does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Reading, writing, sleep, watching tv, art, and music (composing)

Talents - What talents does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Actually a fairly decent pretty good singer, but constantly sells herself short. She wants people to hear her, but only if they like it. If she thinks they won’t them she gets too scared and won’t.

Flaws - What flaws does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Needs attention, but can take up too much of it. Not very subtle, easy to frustrate. Often feels like she has to deal with stuff on her own. Has difficulty voicing what’s bothering her, so she just gets kinda passive-aggressive

Motivations - What motivates Adele Marie Cinalianté most?

She is motivated by her need to be accepted by people (just everyone). She’s always thinking about who might be watching, who might talk about her behind her back and what they might say.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Talks with hands a lot (huge movements that sometimes end up hitting people in the face); cracks knuckles, back, neck, elbows, ankles, toes; makes crazy faces sometimes

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s favorite color?

Purple (lavender or deep royal purples; usually red-based tones)

Religion - What religion does Adele Marie Cinalianté practice?


Politics - What politics does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?

Doesn’t really know much about politics, so tries (keyword: tries) not to get involved, but sometimes she does anyway and usually regrets it because people often know more than she, so she just looks like a fool.

Occupation - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s occupation?

Hero, turned villain

Only defects to the villain side to protect her friends and family, and to get her dad’s powers back.

Favorite food - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s favorite food?

Sushi, loves to try new kinds and get adveturous

Favorite possession - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s favorite possession?

Her rubber ducks and books

Favorite weapon - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s favorite weapon?

A hand gun if she’s in a pinch

Favorite animal - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s favorite animal?

Beluga whales (and rubber ducks...)

videocam History
Birthday - When is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s birthday?

September 13, 1999

Education - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s level of education?

High school, went straight into hero work

Background - What is Adele Marie Cinalianté’s background?

Mom left shortly after Dani was born. She spent enough time with her to be upset about her leaving, but not as much as Q did. She occasionally gets salty about it, but then feels bad because it’s in all honesty not a big deal (at least she tells herself that). While she loves her family, she sometimes gets annoyed with them, or feels uncomfortable because of her powers and their distaste for The Powers. She blames herself often in her perception, while some people think she blames others too much. She constantly discounts her life events because she feels as though they aren’t worth as much, and thereby feels that she is not worth as much. Ada tends to put people on pedestals which can result in some unhealthy instances for herself.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Adele Marie Cinalianté have?


history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Abrie on

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