info Overview
Name - What is Victor Patters’s full name?

Victor Patters

Role - What is Victor Patters’s role in your story?

The Best Friend

Other names - What other aliases does Victor Patters go by?

Goes by Vic

Gender - What is Victor Patters’s gender?


Age - How old is Victor Patters?


face Looks
Race - What is Victor Patters’s race?

Hispanic (Mexican and Puerto Rican)

Skin Tone

Somewhat caramel, warm

Body Type

Mostly muscle mass, but not really “muscular”
A little small looking, but he’s actually bigger than he looks.

Weight - How much does Victor Patters weigh?

A little on the light side. Mostly muscle mass.

Height - How tall is Victor Patters?


Hair Color - What color is Victor Patters’s hair?

Deep, chocolate brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Victor Patters have?

A large scar on his back from his very first battle.

Hair Style - How does Victor Patters style their hair?

Short, straight

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Victor Patters have?

He actually didn’t like the FCA, still doesn’t, because he thought they were pompous jerks. But after some time with the newer heros, he realizes they aren’t all there for money or fame or whatever.


Either created portals from one place to another, or instantly moving an object from one place to another. Depends on his energy level, the size of the object, and how much life it has. The less of the latter 2 the better.

Personality type - What personality type is Victor Patters?

A little selfish. He thinks mainly of his own problems before anyone else’s. He actually doesn’t really notice when people are upset. Someone has to tell him what’s going on with who or he won’t figure it out. After he bonds with Eden, he becomes more invested in her well being, and eventually she helps him warm up to the rest of the group.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Victor Patters have?

He likes to read YA fantasy-romance novels. But you can’t tell a soul; it’s his guilty pleasure.

Talents - What talents does Victor Patters have?

He speaks fluent Spanish because his grandfather insisted he learn.

Flaws - What flaws does Victor Patters have?

He often thinks of himself. Doesn’t usually help people unless he gets something out of it.

Motivations - What motivates Victor Patters most?

Vic is motivated by his desire to honor his grandfather, who raised him. Vic loves his grandfather, and wants to make him proud. Even though he never wanted to be a hero, and he doesn’t usually go out of his way to help people, he did this for his grandfather, and his grandfather only.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Victor Patters have?

He jabs his hand (open and stuff), sometimes doing the table slice (left hand open like a table, right hand open and somewhat perpendicular) when he’s trying to make a point

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Victor Patters’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Victor Patters practice?

Catholic, but doesn’t actually care enough to really invest himself at all.

Politics - What politics does Victor Patters have?

Didn’t like the FCA for a while, and still finds it a little sketchy at times.

Favorite food - What is Victor Patters’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Victor Patters’s favorite possession?

A hunting knife that his grandfather gave him.

videocam History
Birthday - When is Victor Patters’s birthday?

April 2, 1996

Education - What is Victor Patters’s level of education?

High school

Background - What is Victor Patters’s background?

His parents were fairly loving, normal parents until his powers manifested when he was 6. They no longer wanted him around, or to take care of him, so they put him with his grandfather who later became his legal guardian. He then on grew up with his grandfather as his guide, who taught him exeptance and the importance of integrity and dependability. When his grandfather got sick, he told Vic to do something meaningful and worthwhile, so Vic applied to the hero program at the FCA, even though he didn’t like it.

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history Changelog
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This character was created by Abrie on

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