info Overview
Name - What is Eden Wells’s full name?

Eden Wells

Role - What is Eden Wells’s role in your story?

Emo Friend™️

Other names - What other aliases does Eden Wells go by?

eedy (long E sound)

Gender - What is Eden Wells’s gender?


Age - How old is Eden Wells?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Eden Wells have?


Eye Color - What is Eden Wells’s eye color?

Cloudy silver grey

Race - What is Eden Wells’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale, like really pale

Body Type


Weight - How much does Eden Wells weigh?


Height - How tall is Eden Wells?


Hair Color - What color is Eden Wells’s hair?

Half black, half white

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Eden Wells have?

Scars on arms, Dyed hair, her silver eyes

Hair Style - How does Eden Wells style their hair?

Long and a bit curly, sometimes in a half up half done bun, or completely up in a bun.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Eden Wells have?

Doesn't trust Gemini's because she was manipulated in a toxic friendship with a Gemini to the point that her mental health took a steep decline.


Basically, opposite photokinetic--used to be the same as Timothy's, but when she started to get depressed, her powers sort of got sad with her.

Also has a sort of twin telepathy/empathy link with Timothy

Personality type - What personality type is Eden Wells?

Definitely emo™️ but actually happy most of the time. Or at least it seems that way. She tries not to be annoying, or needy, but gets anxious when people don’t spend time with her enough.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Eden Wells have?

Listening to the basic emo bands (MCR, P!ATD, TOP, FOB) and some others, or writing her own songs and stuff

Talents - What talents does Eden Wells have?

She's something of an artist on the side, also writes songs about her life and what’s going on inside her head in order to try to make sense of it.

Flaws - What flaws does Eden Wells have?

She blames herself for everything, and can't recognize manipulation because she is so desperate to be liked. She sometimes fails to take care of herself because she feels as though she is unworthy to be in any way put together. Can get self-destructive, or careless, even on missions. This sometimes affects the rest of the team.
Relies on Timothy way too much, and can prohibit him from getting things done or taking care of himself sometimes (though never on purpose, she just doesn’t think about it). Whenever she notices that she’s done it, she can spiral and then Timothy has to calm her down.

Motivations - What motivates Eden Wells most?

She is motivated by her need to be wanted by her peers/friends/society, and her deep desire to stay alive, and tries to keep herself from dwelling on the past and her emotions in order to remain in an even, balanced state of mind. She created a box (figuratively) to put all of her negative memories in so that she doesn’t have to think about them. (Which is unhealthy)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Eden Wells have?

She can cry easily, but tries not to. Flails her arms when she's upset. Sometimes doesn't say anything for a while (about what’s up with her, just stays weirdly silent), and then Timothy has to figure it out for everyone and handle it, because she won’t talk to anyone else.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Eden Wells’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Eden Wells practice?

Nothing really. Almost feels betrayed by religion.

Politics - What politics does Eden Wells have?

Is afraid to share any sort of political opinions for fear of backlash and being wrong. She does have vague ideas of what she feels, but thinks that it might be wrong.

Occupation - What is Eden Wells’s occupation?


Favorite food - What is Eden Wells’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Eden Wells’s favorite possession?

A stuffed animal that her brother got her as a birthday present

Favorite weapon - What is Eden Wells’s favorite weapon?

A sort of curved blade, and if all else fails a gun

Favorite animal - What is Eden Wells’s favorite animal?


videocam History
Birthday - When is Eden Wells’s birthday?

December 6th, 1998

Education - What is Eden Wells’s level of education?

High School

Background - What is Eden Wells’s background?

Eden comes from a well-known family that always pushed her to always be better, to be perfect, to do well, to “make them proud,” to have worth. While Eden is a bit of a slacker, she still wanted to succeed. But her parents simply pegged her as a failure, and then would tell her she was a disappointment, then dote about how great Timothy was. They constantly compared the two of them. Nonetheless, Eden and Timothy are still very close as Timothy would tell Eden that he loved her no matter what. He could feel that she was upset, so he always tried to comfort her. After Eden started to self-harm, he would inexplicably get pains in his arm and figured it might be Eden, so one day he tried to catch her in the act, and he did. He got so upset that she was in such a bad place that she would do something like that. He got upset with himself when he learned that she had been doing stuff like that for a while and he had only just recently noticed.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Abrie on

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