info Overview
Name - What is Charlotte Andrews’s full name?

Charlotte Andrews

Role - What is Charlotte Andrews’s role in your story?

Rogues Gallery: The Rain Dancer

Age - How old is Charlotte Andrews?


Gender - What is Charlotte Andrews’s gender?

Non-binary born female.

Other names - What other aliases does Charlotte Andrews go by?

Thunderchild II

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Charlotte Andrews have?


Hair Style - How does Charlotte Andrews style their hair?

Trimmed short on the sides but long on top. (Long enough to reach below ear.

Hair Color - What color is Charlotte Andrews’s hair?


Height - How tall is Charlotte Andrews?

5 ft 7

Weight - How much does Charlotte Andrews weigh?

62 kilos

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Charlotte Andrews have?

Charlotte has a burn scar on their back from accidentally striking herself with lightning when her powers showed up. She hates her scar because it reminds her of how dangerous she is. She usually wears anything to cover it up. It's not hard considering it's on her back but soon enough people notice.

Body Type


Skin Tone

light skin

Race - What is Charlotte Andrews’s race?


Eye Color - What is Charlotte Andrews’s eye color?

Bright Blue

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Charlotte Andrews have?

Charlotte dislikes basically anyone who gives her or her friends shit. She basically hates bullies

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Charlotte Andrews have?

When she cries she impulsively makes it rain. She also creates lightning and thunder when she's mad. Usually it builds up when she bottles it up. Says mhm a lot. Practically favourite word. Charlotte usually takes the time to make a decision unless it's in the heat of the moment. At first she'll take her time but over time she adapts to the quick nature of dangerous scenarios.

Motivations - What motivates Charlotte Andrews most?

getting a second chance at life and forgiving herself

Flaws - What flaws does Charlotte Andrews have?

Charlotte is too harsh on herself.

Talents - What talents does Charlotte Andrews have?

She's great at street art

Hobbies - What hobbies does Charlotte Andrews have?

Charlotte is into designing clothes

Personality type - What personality type is Charlotte Andrews?

Charlotte is always looking after others more than herself it's like they was born with natural mother instincts. She can be too harsh on herself. She is looking for that confidence they used to have before her powers showed up.

router Social
Favorite color - What is Charlotte Andrews’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Charlotte Andrews’s favorite weapon?

Maybe a decent baseball bat

Favorite possession - What is Charlotte Andrews’s favorite possession?

Her roller skates

Favorite food - What is Charlotte Andrews’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Charlotte Andrews’s occupation?

Juvenile Delinquent

info History
Birthday - When is Charlotte Andrews’s birthday?

12th May

Background - What is Charlotte Andrews’s background?

Charlotte was a normal highschool girl back in her hometown. They had friends and family but when her powers developed they accidentally killed their Girlfriend, this made her afraid of using her powers but they eventually learnt how to control them making them an extremely powerful Neo-Human.

Education - What is Charlotte Andrews’s level of education?


device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Charlotte is basically the team's mother for lack of a better word. She like designing clothes so she helps with their outfits. She is around whenever someone just needs a shoulder to rest on. Charlotte and Caleb work together to look after the Rogues in every way they can.

Charlotte is an extremely powerful Neo-Human. She has the power to control the weather too extreme lengths, she found out when her family was celebrating Easter. Her girlfriend was there with her they were going on 1 year by then. Her powers activated at random. She went into a state of shock and that's when she summoned the mother of all storms and killed her family and her girlfriend. She only stopped when lightning struck her back severely burning her.

Charlotte was sent to the Haven prison built for Neo-Humans. It was here she met Caleb. Caleb didn't get her full story but he knew whatever she did it was because she didn't have control. He figured if that's what they were doing for Sal he could do it for her. On the night he started his adventure with the Rogues he busted her out with the help of Dwayne.

Charlotte has a deep shame and hatred of her large lightning scar on her back. She received no other normal effects from the lightning strike except guilt. Being with the Rogues, using her powers and learning helps her feel like a good person again.

Charlotte despite being Non-Binary doesn't mind too much what pronoun people use, they, them, she, her.

power_settings_new Powers

Charlotte can control the weather, She can create storms and summon lightning. Soon she can create her own lightning. She can control air temperature and make small tornadoes to hover on. She controls the weather through her emotions. When she's angry it's thunder and lightning. When she's sad it almost always rains. When she's happy it's clear skies.
Sometimes she has some control over how she feels so she has more control over her powers.

accessibility_new Outfit

Denim jacket (full length sleeves)
T-shirt with no sleeves

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This character was created by Caboose on

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