info Overview
Name - What is Robbie Andrews ’s full name?

Robbie Andrews

Role - What is Robbie Andrews ’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Robbie Andrews ?


Gender - What is Robbie Andrews ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Robbie Andrews go by?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Robbie Andrews style their hair?

Short, curly

Hair Color - What color is Robbie Andrews ’s hair?

Jet black

Height - How tall is Robbie Andrews ?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Robbie Andrews have?

His hair hides circular scarring from his brain surgery

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Robbie Andrews ’s race?


Eye Color - What is Robbie Andrews ’s eye color?

Leaf green

fingerprint Nature

Robbie is a control freak.

Motivations - What motivates Robbie Andrews most?

Robbie wants to topple the men who created him and be in control with his own team of Neo-Humans.

Flaws - What flaws does Robbie Andrews have?

Legion is just like the people who fear Neo-Humans only more violent.

router Social
Occupation - What is Robbie Andrews ’s occupation?

FBI operative/spokesperson

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Robbie is a second generation Neo-Human. He was a troubled youth with several mind powers. He was reluctantly placed into a mental hospital, where instead of receiving treatment he was overseen by the U.S military and tested on.

He remembers the time scientists opened his skull for surgery. He was put under like any other normal surgery. But Robbie's brain is so powerful it's always conscious, he remembers lying there unable to move.

They wanted to make Robbie their lap dog/ weapon. Robbie waited for his time and instead set himself apart as an individual. He proposed a plan to become a high ranking member of the FBI that would specialize in Neo-Human cases. Robbie is being used as a public figure head to criminalize Neo-Humans, while supporting cruel methods to make Neo-Humans integrate into society, making the public believe that Neo-Humans need to be suppressed.
While those who are caught using their powers are falsely criminalized and arrested. Those caught using their powers in a real crime are taken to prison. If the prisoner is deemed useful to Robbie, he mentally tortures them and brainwashes them. He then receives a pardon for them so long as they join his task force.

Robbie in reality hates the people who made him and wants be the one in control over them. He's just building up his strength.

His parents knew the kind of man he had become and had disowned him. He later returned home to see his sister who had tested positive as a Neo-Human. When turned away he decided to hide away and test a theory. He believed that Neo-Human powers are activated through a mental trigger and that trigger is incredibly unstable leading to dangerous outbursts when people gain their powers. He believes he can use his powers to control someone mind and activate that trigger without any of the troubles involved.

He activates his sister Charlotte's powers while she's out in public. He loses control over her quickly and Charlotte's powers reek havoc, she summons a small storm and kills several people including her girlfriend and parents.

Robbie leaves and allows Charlotte to be arrested by the proper authorities. He decides he'll take care of her in his prison.

power_settings_new Powers

Legion has just about every mind power.

Mental Projection: Projecting yourself outside of your body to communicate with people.

Levitation: Floating but with your mind

Medium-ship: Seeing dead spirits and talking to them

Telepathy: Transmit or receive thoughts

Psychometry: Learn things about an object through touch

Telekinesis: Moving things with your mind

Psychic Shield: Creating a mental barrier

Mental Overload: Brain.exe has stopped, can lead to brain dead state.

Hive Mind: Sharing one mind amongst a collective. (Robbie soon does this to him and his team)

accessibility_new Outfit

custom Black overcoat that reaches his ankles

Black combat boots

Black suit pants

Black leather gloves

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Robbie Andrews

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Robbie Andrews

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