Jackson Davis
Rogues Gallery: The Troll
Hair regularly cut
5ft 7
50 kg
circuit board scars around eyes
Thin small shouldered.
Meduim - light
Blewish ( Black and Jewish)
Neon blue
Jackson hates people who are just A-holes for the sake of being one. He only does pranks and fools around.
Jackson can lock himself in a work zone for 3 hours straight (shame it's not longer) He's pretty Introverted so he doesn't need human connection to really thrive but he doesn't mind it.
To succeed in life and have fun doing it.
Childish, (also a quality) Annoying,
Being an A class memer
working on fun things and serious things. Video games most days
Jackson is a strange one. He's obsessed with work but he spends a lot of his time acting like a child, cracking lame jokes and annoying pranks all because it's just fun for him. The horror when his friends realized he didn't need skills anymore to hack. He's never inherently rude just a bit annoying.
Jackson was an A-Grade student (still is) When he developed his powers he couldn't be happier, he loved computers and video games and now he didn't even have to move to completely control any of these things. He went to Haven because it was law and because it seemed like a really cool place.
Jackson can control machines or electronic devices through touch. When he has a wireless device he can use it to boost his power so he can mentally hack through most things. He can upload, download information. He essentially is a human computer.
This character was created by Caboose on Notebook.ai.
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His laptop
Buddhism (no seriously he loosely follows it)