info Overview
Name - What is Dwayne Roman ’s full name?

Dwayne Roman

Role - What is Dwayne Roman ’s role in your story?

Rogues Gallery: The Teleporter.

Age - How old is Dwayne Roman ?


Gender - What is Dwayne Roman ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Dwayne Roman go by?

The Bombastic Blip

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dwayne Roman have?


Hair Style - How does Dwayne Roman style their hair?

Short and wavy

Hair Color - What color is Dwayne Roman ’s hair?


Height - How tall is Dwayne Roman ?

5ft 9

Weight - How much does Dwayne Roman weigh?

65 kilos

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dwayne Roman have?

Tan line on his ankle from his ankle bracelet.

Body Type


Skin Tone

slightly dark

Race - What is Dwayne Roman ’s race?

Native American

Eye Color - What is Dwayne Roman ’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Dwayne Roman have?

Hates any kind of actual racism or sexism. Jokes are okay. Like real nasty jokes but legit hate just pisses him off.

Uncultured Swine.


ADD. (Attention Deficit Disorder) Really it's just your brain constantly hyperactive. (I should know) Point is this is crucial to Dwayne, it affects his powers and the way he acts around people. It basically makes your brain hyperactive instead of your actions like ADHD. So random thoughts popping into Dwayne's head trigger him to teleport.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dwayne Roman have?

Stares into nothing when thinking. Can do this for hours. He sometimes interrupts people because he has a thought he just needs to get out before he forgets. Sometimes he teleports in his sleep or just at random. He can say random things at random times because his brain just trails off at a million miles per hour.

Motivations - What motivates Dwayne Roman most?

Why not? Wants to have fun. He enjoys time with his friends and they want to be heroes.

Flaws - What flaws does Dwayne Roman have?

Annoying, too random, doesn't accept too much criticism.
procrastinates, can be too rude without realizing. Like he's too honest.

Talents - What talents does Dwayne Roman have?

Can speak faster than most people. His Galaga high score is 94950.
He can remember everything he reads so long as he's interested. Like if it's a book on Ancient History he'll remember it if it's a book on how to manage your garden he won't care.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dwayne Roman have?

Video Games, Comic books, Baseball

Personality type - What personality type is Dwayne Roman ?

Dwayne has A.D.D so his power is a huge pain in the ass. Since he has to focus on where he's teleporting to. Dwayne loves being a kid, he basically prides himself on being a teen. He loves his powers and has a blast with them until he teleports to the wrong place or at random. He's incredibly sarcastic and sometimes honest with people. He doesn't fake liking someone he tells people what he honestly thinks of them. He doesn't make fun of peoples flaws he just points them out and says try not doing that. This makes people think he can be a bit of a jerk but really he's just honest and there is a shift when he's being sarcastic and trying to be a jerk. He is usually polite most of the time he doesn't see the need to be an asshole all the time. He's Native American he never really followed in the traditions of his tribe but he loved his community and occasionally volunteered his time for his tribe.

He can be really fun and witty. He can fire back banter like lightning and make connections to other things that no one else could. When he's in the shower he'll think " Is Yodelling a mating call? Commando's are basically Badass Boy Scouts."

router Social
Favorite color - What is Dwayne Roman ’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Dwayne Roman ’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Dwayne Roman ’s favorite weapon?

Aluminum Baseball Bat

Favorite food - What is Dwayne Roman ’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Dwayne Roman ’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Dwayne Roman have?

Doesn't care/neutral dude.

Religion - What religion does Dwayne Roman practice?

Born into native american culture doesn't really follow it though

Favourite Music

Michael Jackson- Billie Jean
The Jacksons- Blame it on the Boogie
Queens of the Stone age

info History
Background - What is Dwayne Roman ’s background?

Dwayne was just another kid who went to Caleb's school at Haven but when he was being bullied his friend Beau stepped in at that moment Caleb joined him and assaulted the bullies landing him a few nights in the hold up. Dwayne started hanging out with Caleb and Beau and they became a good group of friends.

Dwayne has A.D.D and this greatly affects his ability. He can teleport and with A.D.D this means he does it at random. Before he was sent to Haven his parents had an ankle bracelet on him. He was never mad about it, he still loved his parents and he understood why he needed it but it annoyed him. He had to have his ankle bracelet on at all times if he teleported it would immediately send his location to his parents. For his A.D.D he has to take Ritalin or Vyvanse to calm him down. All this special medical treatment annoyed him, he wasn't smothered too much but he didn't want it to start.

Education - What is Dwayne Roman ’s level of education?

Highschool He's in the 10th year

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Has A.D.D.

He has to have a tracker on him at all times so people know where he is and how to find him. So at first, he has an ankle bracelet not because he's on house arrest but because if he teleports at random he kinda needs to be found. Later on, he gets better at teleporting but still randomly teleports.

Here's a quick scene of comedy I had an idea for. Dwayne walked up casually to the large self serve coffee machine. He had never had coffee before and decided he should give it a try.
He took out a brown paper cup and placed it under the spout. He pressed the buttons for what coffee he wanted. The coffee poured into his cup and he put 3 sugars in and some milk. He placed the lid on and took a step away from the machine.
He took a sip from his cup.
“Blurrgh It’s so bitter, how do people drink this?”
All of a sudden he froze up. Then his body began vibrating violently and he began to glow yellow. Soon quick sparks of energy began flying all around him. The energy began expanding larger than it ever had before.
“Hollllyyy shiiit” He said through the vibrations.
Suddenly all the energy imploded and he disappeared.
Everyone began searching for him. His tracker wasn’t working at all.
Suddenly he was back but he was teleporting like a pin ball bouncing from one spot to another like he was a speedster but he was teleporting faster than anyone could see him. All anyone could see was the room filled with yellow light and loud noises of him constantly jumping from one place to another.
Suddenly it all stopped and Dwayne was standing where it all started with his hand crushing the coffee cup. He was breathing heavily still in some form of shock of what just happened. “Holy Fucking Shit! That was insane!”

Evan: Get this man a redbull!

power_settings_new Powers

Dwayne is a teleporter. He can teleport within a distance of 800km.

Which is the main problem since he has Attention Deficit Disorder ( A.D.D.) Which leads to Dwayne thinking of something quickly that triggers his teleporting ability. Leading to him teleporting completely at random.

He also has an area of effect where he can teleport other objects and people with him if he focuses enough. He can also teleport through a quick dash so he can build up momentum or travel a short distance in the blink of an eye.

accessibility_new Outfit

Dwayne wears a yellow puffy vest with an equally puffy hoodie. His shirt is a long sleeved dark blue jersey. He wears dark jeans and yellow high tops. Sometimes he wears a beanie.

Because he's not the best fighter and his powers aren't the best for combat he brings an aluminum baseball bat to fights.

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Dwayne Roman

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Dwayne Roman

This character was created by Caboose on

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