info Overview
Name - What is Finn Delacourt’s full name?

Finn Delacourt

Gender - What is Finn Delacourt’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Finn Delacourt go by?

Lover boy, Captain Hunk, Billionaire Boy

Role - What is Finn Delacourt’s role in your story?

Love Interest MC

Age - How old is Finn Delacourt?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Finn Delacourt’s eye color?

Dark Green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Finn Delacourt have?

Clean Shaven

Hair Style - How does Finn Delacourt style their hair?

Buzz cut

Hair Color - What color is Finn Delacourt’s hair?


Height - How tall is Finn Delacourt?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Finn Delacourt have?

Smile to die for

Body Type

Lean with some muscles

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Race - What is Finn Delacourt’s race?

African American

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Finn Delacourt have?

Expert engineer and hacker, logical and tactical way of thinking, has excellent endurance, proficient in advanced weaponry (lasers etc.), charismatic

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Finn Delacourt have?

Making beats up by tapping his fists against a surface, generally sits in a reclined position which indicates his confidence

Motivations - What motivates Finn Delacourt most?

To meet his father's expectations, to be more renowned for his engineering talents than his family name

Flaws - What flaws does Finn Delacourt have?

Arrogant, conceited, womanizer, insecure, automatically assumes he knows more than you

Prejudices - What prejudices does Finn Delacourt have?

Finn is quite open minded and accepting of others once he gets to know them, although his ego can lead him to judge others for not being as good at something than him

Hobbies - What hobbies does Finn Delacourt have?

Tinkering, weapon forging, seducing the women who fawn over him, drawing/doodling, singing in the shower, accidentally spilling water over his shirt to see how people would react

Personality type - What personality type is Finn Delacourt?

He's hot and he knows it. He comes from one of the most famous families in the world who own many fortune 500 companies but this and his womanizing ways aren't all he wants to be known for.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Finn Delacourt’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Finn Delacourt’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Finn Delacourt’s favorite weapon?

His multi purpose gauntlet

Favorite possession - What is Finn Delacourt’s favorite possession?

His set of rigged die

Favorite color - What is Finn Delacourt’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Finn Delacourt’s occupation?

Adventurer, technically legalised bounty hunter

Politics - What politics does Finn Delacourt have?


Religion - What religion does Finn Delacourt practice?

Religion isn't something to focus on when all you care about is girls and tech.

Job - What job does Finn Delacourt have?

Legalised Bounty Hunter

info History
Education - What is Finn Delacourt’s level of education?

Boys Private School Education

Background - What is Finn Delacourt’s background?

Finn was born as the only child of a wealthy and famous family, known for being kingpins of corporations. His mother was a kind but weak woman who always submitted to Finn's domineering and soulless father. He was always put under pressure to be the best, the golden boy, and for a while he was. Popular, intelligent and successful. But he despised his father for making him the way he was. Finn wanted to rebel against his father so he began womanising the various girls of their exceedingly rich neighbourhood and partied until he dropped. This only made his father more distant and demanding of Finn, so in order to make a grab for independence he signed himself up to the Academy.

Birthday - When is Finn Delacourt’s birthday?

Early May

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Rory on

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