info Overview
Name - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s full name?

Hana Mariko Takahashi

Gender - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Hana Mariko Takahashi go by?

Doe-Eyes, Weak One

Role - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Hana Mariko Takahashi?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s eye color?

Icey Blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?


Hair Style - How does Hana Mariko Takahashi style their hair?

Long, falling to her tailbone and parted in the middle

Hair Color - What color is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s hair?

Jet black

Height - How tall is Hana Mariko Takahashi?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Flawless face but several large scars she disguises beneath her long dresses

Body Type

Slender and tall

Skin Tone


Race - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s race?

Sunesian (So basically Japanese)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Singing, dancing, sewing, manipulating people, politics, small degree of combat training, magic

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Sitting upright constantly, walking with her hands together, twitching eyes, bowing her head down automatically

Motivations - What motivates Hana Mariko Takahashi most?

To escape her family and find freedom within herself and to learn not to be afraid

Flaws - What flaws does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Anxiety, mild cowardice, some lack of control when it comes to her magic, reserved and introverted, superficial, bit of a know-it-all but never intentionally she sort of just corrects people instinctively and blurts out the right answer, naive, can be quite manipulative

Prejudices - What prejudices does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Has a prejudice towards the poor and uneducated as she has never been around them

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Sewing, singing, cleaning

Personality type - What personality type is Hana Mariko Takahashi?

Shy, introverted, reserved but quietly observant and powerful

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s favorite weapon?

Small knife, her brain

Favorite possession - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s favorite possession?

Her impressive range of clothing

Favorite color - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s favorite color?

Pale blue

Occupation - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Hana Mariko Takahashi have?

Technically conservative but becomes more liberal

Religion - What religion does Hana Mariko Takahashi practice?

Doesn't really care

info History
Education - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s level of education?

Highly educated with private tutors as well as secretly trained in magic

Background - What is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s background?

Born into one of the wealthiest families in the world, Hana led quite a sheltered life. Her mother had only stillborns prior to Hana so she was a miracle. And when her mother died her father only wanted to keep her away, the pain being too much. Instead she found friends in the servants and kind tutors she had, though she didn't have anyone to confide in, she amused herself with silly stories about people she saw from the windows, learning to observe people and deducing how they tick. After her magic developed her father put her into training immediately. Her trainer was a vile woman who abused her frequently. After one particularly gruelling session Hana finally snapped and disintegrated her evil mentor. Racked with guilt she retreated into herself, developing anxiety and ptsd she had no one, her father having drifted even further away after covering up the incident. Deciding that enough was enough Hana signed up to the Academy.

Birthday - When is Hana Mariko Takahashi’s birthday?

Mid December

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history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Rory on

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