info Overview
Name - What is Elsie Sallow’s full name?

Elsie Sallow

Gender - What is Elsie Sallow’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Elsie Sallow go by?

Little witch, the One and Only

Role - What is Elsie Sallow’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Elsie Sallow?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Elsie Sallow’s eye color?

Green (Completely black along with her sclera when using magic)

Hair Style - How does Elsie Sallow style their hair?

Falls to the middle of her back with a fringe. It is slightly wavy and frizzy but she can style it if the occasion calls for it to be.

Hair Color - What color is Elsie Sallow’s hair?

Very pale blonde

Height - How tall is Elsie Sallow?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elsie Sallow have?

Freckles along her nose and cheeks

Body Type

Slender if slightly underweight with small, petite features

Skin Tone

Ghostly pale

Race - What is Elsie Sallow’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Elsie Sallow have?

Seduction, usually doesn't care a curse what people think of her, seeing things other people don't, for someone who was isolated most of her life she is very emotionally intelligent and good with people making it easy to like her, not necessarily a talent but despite growing up with a demon and moving in with people with a variety of issues she manages to be kind and compassionate.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elsie Sallow have?

Has a lazy and uninterested pose normally but can also be quite feminine and seductive depending on her mood or the situation. Sometimes has to shut her eyes and clench her fist when the voice gets too loud. Picks things up with her feet. Twirls her hair. Very often stares into space. Can be caught quietly talking to herself if she zones out.

Motivations - What motivates Elsie Sallow most?

To have a good time, to make valuable memories, combat against the darkness within her, to remember her past.

Flaws - What flaws does Elsie Sallow have?

Isn't particularly intelligent, loose sexual morals, party-animal, reckless, naive, unstable, low self-esteem, prone to depressive episodes, unreliable memory

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elsie Sallow have?

Has a strong vendetta against demons for ruining her life, also has a natural stigma against virgins

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elsie Sallow have?

One-night stands, partying, drinking, isn't shy from calling people out or telling it like it is but she's nicer about it than most people, offering surprisingly sound life advice, reading

Personality type - What personality type is Elsie Sallow?

Mysterious, striking and often quite stoic. She seems like a typical party girl but underneath is a damaged but compassionate individual.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Elsie Sallow’s favorite food?

Fruit roll-ups

Favorite animal - What is Elsie Sallow’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Elsie Sallow’s favorite weapon?

Her honeyed words, the quasi sentient darkness inside her gives her a natural affinity with dark magic which isn't something she particularly likes using however, (in the words of Cersei) the one between her legs.

Favorite possession - What is Elsie Sallow’s favorite possession?

Her mother's hairbrush

Favorite color - What is Elsie Sallow’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Elsie Sallow’s occupation?

Adventurer, one time she unwittingly prostituted herself for pizza if that counts

Politics - What politics does Elsie Sallow have?

Bohemian (if that counts as politics) generally she's just in it for a good time

Religion - What religion does Elsie Sallow practice?

She gave up on religion long ago

info History
Education - What is Elsie Sallow’s level of education?

Private tutors, self educated

Background - What is Elsie Sallow’s background?

Showing up one day at the group's doorstep, dishevelled, drained and with no memory, they took her in with no where else to go, especially when she reveals her dark powers which would provide useful to a group of bounty hunters.

Birthday - When is Elsie Sallow’s birthday?

November 10th

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This character was created by Rory on

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