info Overview
Name - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s full name?

Noriko Ayano Hamada

Gender - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Noriko Ayano Hamada go by?

Ri-Ri, Blue haired bimbo

Role - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Noriko Ayano Hamada?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Hair Style - How does Noriko Ayano Hamada style their hair?

Short and unkempt, falling to the middle of her neck.

Hair Color - What color is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s hair?


Height - How tall is Noriko Ayano Hamada?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

Large birthmark on the top right hand corner of her back shaped like mexico and only a shade darker than the rest of her

Body Type

Small and curvaceous with slightly defined muscles

Skin Tone

Deep Olive

Race - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

Excellent swordswoman and a good shot. She also has a knack for bullshitting inspiring speeches. She also has a good sense of humour and a cheekiness which makes her quite easy to like initially.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

Tapping each of her fingers with her thumb when she's nervous, fidgeting in general, bouncing her leg up and down, twirling her pen when she has one.

Motivations - What motivates Noriko Ayano Hamada most?

Likes to think she's altruistic which is partially true but she has her own selfish and superficial motivations like everyone else. To be pretty, to have someone to love. She does have an innate desire to do the right thing but this moral compass can easily be clouded by teen angst or sheer selfishness, especially since she doesn't have any paternal figures to guide her after leaving for the Academy.

Flaws - What flaws does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

Stubborn, short-sighted, not very tactical, fiery and emotional, not as heroic as she thinks and a bit arrogant and naive. She's also a shit singer.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

Has a weird hatred of people with moustaches, she can't explain it, moustaches just creep her out. Other than that she is largely a very accepting person although at the beginning she finds it difficult to respect the other members of the Academy who are wealthy and affluent, part of her development is the realisation that her parent's fame as heroes made her life a lot easier so she isn't as independent and self made as she once thought and everyone no matter their social standing has their own issues.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

Tries to get into meditating but fidgets too much, eating, working out, she's a screamer, not sexually just life in general.

Personality type - What personality type is Noriko Ayano Hamada?

She is largely an extroverted, sociable, feisty and passionate individual with a fiery personality she inherited from her mother. Her insecurities about her appearance, selfishness and difficulty to see other's points of view are what restrict her emotionally.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s favorite weapon?

Her sword

Favorite possession - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s favorite possession?

Her sword

Favorite color - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s occupation?

Adventurer but technically a legalised Bounty Hunter

Politics - What politics does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

For someone who is often very passionate she surprisingly finds it difficult to care about politics

Religion - What religion does Noriko Ayano Hamada practice?


info History
Education - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s level of education?

High school education plus private martial arts and sword fighting tutelage

Background - What is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s background?

Was born on some farm in some village no-one had heard of. Little did Noriko know that her parents had chosen this place because they were hiding. Noriko would find out whom in the worst way possible when her dad was murdered by Satan's bitchy girlfriend, Lilith, who was then killed by Noriko's mom who sacrificed herself to get rid of Lilith. She was then taken in by a kindly sensei and trained like her mother was, it was there that she learned that her mother and father were renowned heroes who helped the initial defence against Lilith and her army which occured years prior to their deaths, this why Lilith came after them. After 12 years of training she applies to the Academy to become a hero. Luck seems to not be on Noriko's side, ever, so this move to the Academy only put her on the map for a newly resurfaced Lillith who now has a vendetta against the one Hamada she hadn't butchered.

Birthday - When is Noriko Ayano Hamada’s birthday?

28th of July

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Noriko Ayano Hamada have?

A dog named Lucy that just sorta showed up and the whole group went with it. Noriko and Sven do a lot of the taking care of Lucy since they are the most experienced in terms of physical labour but the whole group pitches in to a certain degree.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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