assignment Overview
Main Name


Name Meaning/Significance

Thanatos' name comes from the God of Death in Greek Mythology. Notably, the figure he's named after was susceptible to deception, as he was tricked by King Sisyphus of Korinith into being binded by his own chains, which meant that mortals weren't able to die for a whole day until he was released from his bondage by the Olympians.
This gives a small amount of insight to Thanatos' being, as he was built with the capability

Gender/Sexual Orientation


whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics
equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
Background - What is Thanatos’s background?

Thanatos was created on March 20, 2090, and the circumstances of his manufacture were certainly anomalous to say the least.
Thanatos was the product of a project put into action by the PentaCorp higher-ups known as [OPERATION: DEATH WING]. The project was the brainchild of Marcus Arceneux, the eponymous head of PentaCorp's Arceneux Division. The plan was simple: they were going to use a custom-built Mecharus designed to outcompete and kill anything it could come across in the Arena,

device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

  • "Alright! No more enemies. No more friendlies. Just you, I, the sun, and the sky.
    I've already declared a ceasefire. The war is finished, it is over; the people that fight for both sides have already achieved peace, no matter


  • I have around 11 characters in the Nanitus WIP that I’ve toggled on the favorite button (star), these would be Ares, Cassandra, Dreadnaught, Blowstick, Iphigenia, Duplicitor, Overkill, Io, Xerxes, and of course Thanatos himself, as he’s the first prominent antagonist.
    For some silly reason, my brain went “It would be great if we did the second most prominent character in the first half of the WIP last!”, and so I worked on pretty much the rest of the cast first; filling in their personalities, relationships, quirks, and backstory before ever getting to filling out the rest of Thanatos’ page. The only other pages this neglected in Nanitus were characters solely created because I thought they had a cool gimmick, a cool name, or I just simply needed more cannon fodder for the Arena like Gorillus, Red Light, Bone Plower, and many more that aren’t public (as of now anyway).

Incorrect Quotes

  • "You know what? Fuck this war! I just want you dead!"

Character chevron_right Profile Description by other Characters link mentioned Thanatos

Character chevron_right Affiliation link mentioned Thanatos

Character chevron_right Redux Character Bio link mentioned Thanatos

Character chevron_right Physical Age and Overall Relative Mental Age link mentioned Thanatos

Character chevron_right Trivia link mentioned Thanatos

Character chevron_right It's Complicated link linked Thanatos

Character chevron_right Character Synopsis link mentioned Thanatos

Character chevron_right Superiors link linked Thanatos

Location chevron_right Founders link linked Thanatos

This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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