assignment Overview
Main Name


Name Meaning/Significance

Piralas' name is derived from 2 words in the Machine Latin lexicon.
The word 'Pir' is a suffix that roughly translates to 'fire/cinders'. This proves ironic given that Piralas resembles a bipedal humanoid predatory fish-bot with sharp teeth, but this befits his fiery behavior and his ultimate desire to reduce everything to
The word 'Alas' implies a negative connotation to the subject matter, which alludes to Piralas being a failure in PentaCorp's machine, as he is only good for scaring the Middle Class Mechs in line, as he cannot be controlled and subjugated without severe weakening of his abilities. And ultimately, his numerous mental issues that keep him from integrating into normal Mech Society.

Full Name

Piralas, the Piranha Puncturer

Alternate Names

Lunatic, Fish-Bot, Deranged Seafood, Thug,


The Piranha Puncturer,

Role - What is Piralas’s role in your story?

Blade Happy Piranha-Themed Mentally Unwell Berserker

General Personality

Piralas is a very unstable Mecharus, he frequently has drastic mood swings that turn him from an aggressive antisocial loner, to a homicidal maniac that can only be sedated with more violence.
Piralas makes no attempt to conceal his contempt and hatred for other Beings even in his calm state, viewing all Beings as walking bodies that don't realize that they are Corpses.
Piralas often lapses into Archaic Machine Latin when getting heated, allowing him to get away with even more vulgar and damning dialogue than if he were speaking in English.
Piralas often shuffles, slams on objects, and grabs people in aggression, implying the hyper aggressive attitude that he possesses.
So overall, Piralas has the demeanor of a deranged insane asylum inmate that somehow managed to both escape the help that he clearly needs, and manage to get in a position that allows him to commit war crimes.


"Break it till it screams, then break it some more!"

List of Past and Current Affiliations

Piralas was affiliated with nobody prior to and during the events of the Mechanomachy; with Piralas getting in the way of most other factions by sheer happenstance, as he is propped up by other factions as representative of the normal homicidal lunatic that PentaCorp seemingly wants to produce, and by PentaCorp/COGNITOS themselves as a rogue variable that only messes up the plan during the long game.
[Nanocide: the Mechanomachy]

After the fall of the PentaCorp facility, Piralas affiliated with the Mechavius, as its leader Thanatos wanted manpower for his army and didn't care about their past activities all too much, with Piralas becoming one such soldier in Thanatos' grand machine, serving in the Mech Wars for nearly half a century.
[Nanocide: Moth's Rage]

Halfway through the war and after Thanatos' supposed death during a battle involving SYMS, the Mechavius, Pink Petrol Petunia, the Erratis Militant Artillerist Faction, PentaCorp remnants, several mercenary groups/independent parties, and most of the other factions, Piralas would join under the faction known as the Violence Deliverance Front (VDF), run by the brutal tactician Overkill. With Piralas serving as a high-ranking shock trooper in Overkill's army, doing the dirty work when the VDF wills it.
[Nanocide: Terror Machinations and Nanocide: Spider's Spawn]

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics

Piralas' face is truly something to behold. His

equalizer Stats
Intelligence, Wits, and Cunning

Piralas ranks very average in Intelligence, as besides knowing combat tactics and some philosophy, Piralas doesn't know too much, as for the most part, violence is both the objective that he strives for and the means to his end; and a high intelligence isn't needed for busting some heads.
Due to this, and to inferred mental impairments that Piralas has, he ranks as a 4.5/10 in general intelligence.

Piralas ranks average in Wits, as he can devise plans during combat, and sometimes they do succeed at their intention.
But Piralas' improvisations in combat are often subverted, negating the attacks, and even used against Piralas on occasion.

Piralas ranks very low in Cunning, as he takes the simplest and most violent approach in everything that he does. Piralas is often blindsighted by maneuvers that many other Mecharus would either avoid or not fall for.
Due to this, Piralas gets an unenviable 2.5/10 in Cunning.


Piralas is very agile in theory, given his small size. He is able to dodge massive attacks that would otherwise put an end to his roll in the fight. However, ranged weapons can still hit him given good aim. Piralas often doesn't use this to his advantage, merely trying to attack the enemy head on rather than taking evasive maneuvers and striking opponents from afar.
Due to this, Piralas is much less agile than his body profile would lead you to believe; while he is fast on his feet, a similarly swift footed Mech using either ranged weapons or melee weapons could make contact with Piralas.
In theory, Piralas would get a 8/10 in Agility, but due to his aggressive and impulsive tactics, in practice, Piralas gets a 6/10 in Agility.


Piralas has a very low Empathy grading, Piralas doesn't show the slightest bit of concern nor anguish when his fellow soldiers get killed in battle, when he does show emotion in battle, it is to scoff at the dead corpses of Human/Mech soldiers.
This Empathy proves even weaker for his victims in combat

Triadae Power Systemae Ranking

Piralas ranks as a Type-1/3 in the Triadae Power System, as he has very little to show for his abilities besides slightly better healing factor, tougher armor, and a very high metabolism. With these abilities evolving very little since his creation.

archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
groups Social
device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

  • The idea for Piralas was originally a simple one, I came up with a cool name and ran with it vaguely sounding like 'piranha', with his anti-social berserker personality being invented not long after; but overtime after studying the mechanics of the factions, and the desperate lack of manpower for the main enemy faction, the Mechavius, I started to figure out how Thanatos would invite members to his imperialist empire, and eventually, I came to the conclusion that he would likely not care about the mental stability of his soldiers as long as he was able to get them.
    Case in point: Piralas, his normally undesirable anti-social behavior and sociopathic tendencies proved extremely useful as a shock trooper that Thanatos would use as a pawn in his battles. If Piralas won, he would give Thanatos another victory.
    If Piralas lived, Thanatos would still have a valuable rook for his next battles.
    If Piralas losed, he wou

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This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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