assignment Overview
Main Name

The Gouger

Name Meaning/Significance

The Gouger's name comes from the word 'gouge', which in turn alludes to his disturbing hobby.
When an enemy has their back turned, the Gouger will ambush them and use either his hands or his saw to slowly and forcibly extract a part from the horrified enemy.
The parts that he likes the most are the eyes, followed closely by the hands, the legs, the arms, and the kidneys.

Full Name

Gouger, the Eye Collector


  • The Eye Collector

Role - What is The Gouger’s role in your story?

The Eye Keeper

Redux Character Bio

"The Gouger isn't


"When you do something, make sure someone isn't looking at you."

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics

  • Amusingly enough, the Gouger's most visible scars are near his eyes, as there are several scrape marks and dents near his eyes. Perhaps someone tried to give the Gouger some of his own medicine and failed miserably.
    Whoever it was, the Gouger probably took their limbs as well as their eyes and would have likely tossed them into the Sea of Ruin, never to be seen again.

equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
device_hub Family
Creator (Non-Sexual Creation)

The Gouger was created by PentaCorp via the ConPlier. Not long after his creation the Gouger's mind was intercepted during the data downloading process by the PLACATOR, specifically COGNITOS, PLACATOR component number 2.
COGNITOS would heavily alter the Gouger's schematics, injecting him with potent Nanites and turning him into

Relationship with Creator(s)

The Gouger had mixed feelings with PentaCorp. While they were the ones that brought him into existence, he didn't care particularly much for their comical mismanagement of assets. The Gouger didn't understand why PentaCorp wanted all the Mechs to fight for them when they could've just created more violent lunatics like Piralas and more tactical minds like himself to control them.
Ultimately when push came to shove, the Gouger gleefully watched the ruination of the company after the rest of the Mechs figured out that they didn't want to be controlled anymore.

Relationship with Parental Figures

The Gouger also ha

phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information
Character Creation Trivia

  • The Gouger was based off my concept for a slasher villain for use in a hypothetical horror series. Of course, his main gimmick was that he gouged out his victims eyes and wore them on his person as an ill-fitting vest. Eventually, I decided to port him and his buddies from that series to this one as the Corpse Patrol.
    Funnily enough, very little needed to be changed aside from turning him into a robot character instead of a human one and adding more creepy monstrous features.
    The only changes that took place aside from those were making him more apathetic to the world, skinnier, and making him interested in pilfering more organs besides the eyes of his victims.

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This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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