assignment Overview
Main Name

The Paralyzer

Name Meaning/Significance

The Paralyzer's name refers to his unnerving presence, tendency to use paralysis inducing toxins in his torture sessions, and his habit of crippling his victims to the point of catatonia.

Full Name

Paralyzer, the Fear Reaper

Alternate Names

  • Phobos

  • The Fear Master


  • The Master of Fear

  • Fear Master

  • Gas Master

  • The Infohazard

  • The Reaper of Fear

Physical Age and Mental Age

The Paralyzer was created on July 16, 2046, making him 53 human years old.
His mental age is around 20 years to 40 years.

Role - What is The Paralyzer’s role in your story?

"The Fear Reaper"
ID Psychiatric Specialist Captain #2

General Personality

The Paralyzer is very theatrical, he lures individuals in with his charismatic words and intelligence, after they fall for that, he immediately sheds it in favor of his true personality, one that delights in the fear of his victims, ecstatic to reveal his victim's worst fears to them in the most traumatizing way he can think of.

Gender/Sexual Orientation

  • The Paralyzer identifies as a male, with him simply thinking that he fits the criteria to be classified as such.
    But regardless, the Paralyzer's body would remain sexless until the Paralyzer used the Biotechnological Integration Serum on himself, mutating his machine organs to be hermaphroditic in nature.

Redux Character Bio

  • "With an innate desire to understand and inflict fear, the Paralyzer also known as Phobos has gained infamy for his psychic illusions and chemical weapons disturbing many victims, leaving them traumatized at best and catatonic at worst.
    Many thought that Phobos had died in those sewers, but like a wraith from the grave, The Paralyzer has come back, to use his knowledge to truly become the God of Fear, and to fill everyone with the screams he so adores." [Nanitus: the Automachy Bio]


  • "

Character Speech

  • "Like it or not, Fear has already made the decision for you. You try to stop me because you're afraid of me and what I'll do to your precious 'others', Gourmantis tried to end me because he experienced terror for the first time in his pathetic existence.
    "Null believes in his comforting madness to avoid the horrific truth of it all.. I think you get my point by now.."

List of Past and Current Affiliations

[List of Afilliations in Chronological Order]


Any creepy ominous sounding background tune should work, but this was the specific song that was used when conceiving of Paralyzer's deeds:


[List of Former and Current Statuses]

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics
Voice/Vocal Patterns

  • Prior to his mangling at the claws of Gourmantis, The Paralyzer had a calm, low, and monotone voice, he laughed a fair bit more than a sane being should, but it was fairly reasonable, he talked eloquently and with strange, mildly outdated vocabulary.

  • After his mutilation at Gourmantis' hands, he quickly spiraled into madness, he gained a high-pitched shrill voice, with him cackling extremely frequently, any pretense that he was interested in any other hobbies aside from terror was carelessly tossed away. He had lost much subtlety; he could maintain cover and keep some parts of his plan under wraps, but he now talks in a far more grandiose fashion, each of his boasts accentuated (or made worse) by his aforementioned constant giggling and laughing, his voice could now be heard by entire crowds without need for an amplifier.

Height - How tall is The Paralyzer?

The Paralyzer is around 16 feet tall. As unimpressive as this was for his talk of "Inspiring Fear", he had gained a Death Ambulator courtesy of Arach/"Xerxes", increasing the intimidation and size to 32 feet tall.

General Mass/Weight

The Paralyzer is relatively light weight for his size, able to dodge and is able to boast a high agility rating. In his Death Ambulator, he gains Weaponry and Intimidation at the loss of Subtlety and Grace.


  • [Mecharus]

Colors of body/Skin Color

The Paralyzer's body was mainly a Light Black with Grey and Yellow Highlights. His costume is a Dark Brown with several Yellow rags on various parts on his body, including his goggles, helmet, and various joints on his arms and legs.
After his mutilation, The Paralyzer's body became a rustic-Brown, Grey, and rotted-Black, showing his extreme decay, and his fate if he didn't ingest the Oil X, his lower-torso and upper torso was completely mangled, wires of various colors and pigments sprung from every torn nook and cranny. His right arm was a uniform Gunmetal grey, with a haphazardly transplanted Charcoal-Black Needle Gauntlet with bright Yellow Veins coursing to the needle points. His left arm was a skeletal remnant of his previous body, the oxidized Grey-Brown made the arm look like an exhumed prosthetic limb that he had pillaged from an unmarked grave. This was consistent with his right leg as well, but to a more mangled extent, the more muted colored-wires were completely visible, an oxidized-silver skeletal frame was visible through the metal attachments welded on his leg. His old left leg must have likely met an even worse fate, as it had clearly been replaced with a bulkier, more militant-style Mecharus Leg, evident by it having the same Gunmetal Grey Sheen as the Right Arm, the foot had been replaced with a fixed version of his old foot, recognizable by the Yellow-Tipped Claws, and the oxidized Charcoal-Brown coating of the main foot component.

equalizer Stats
Intelligence, Wits, and Cunning

The Paralyzer is very intelligent, while yes, his obsession with Fear has led to him making impulsive decisions to get his sadistic high, this does not inhibit his intelligence too much.
Furthermore, a high intelligence would be necessary for the types of plotting that he employs to get his way, with the Paralyzer also playing the long game, building up weapons and Qionic Fortitude whenever he has spare time.
Taking into account this and the other miscellaneous Scientific Skills alluding to his status as a Terror-Scientist. Thus, the Paralyzer gains a 9/10 in Intelligence.

Trauma Level

The Paralyzer has been traumatized to a certain extent despite what he says about himself, the incident with Gourmantis would have left him with irreparable Mental Scarring and PTSD. Gourmantis' mauling of him would also lead to his declining sanity, causing him to fully relapse into his madness and resume his Terror Crusade once more..

archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
Greek and Chinese Zodiac Signs

  • The Paralyzer's Greek Zodiac is Gemini, others often comment on how this matches his tendency to change his tone and personality relatively quickly.

  • The Paralyzer's Chinese Zodiac is the Dog, befitting his decently high confidence and stubbornness when confronted with the fact that a plan based on terrifying his opponents won't always work, or won't be preferable to just killing them.

Location of Birth

Background - What is The Paralyzer’s background?

Phobos was created on July 16, 2046 by the PentaCore Conglomerate via a combination of the ConPlier and manual construction from various super alloys such as Aborium.
He was born in a time prior to the brainwashing and censorship directed to the Mecharus Race that was commonplace after the 2050s, allowing the young Mech to learn things that the average Mech thereafter would be illiterate to.

After the Paralyzer made himself known in the underground criminal wetwork of Heaven's Tomb, he would be contacted by Hypnos, the Controller who was assigned the task of pacifying the common Mechs with subliminal messages in order to keep their recalcitrance at bay.
Hypnos' offer was simple: join him and his loyalists as one of their sergeants in exchange for indulgence in as many screams as he wanted.
At first, the Paralyzer scoffed at the proposition, as he believed Hypnos was merely another sycophantic Controller who had forsaken the innumerable potential of their power in favor of sucking up to the PentaCore Conglomerate.
The Paralyzer would then meet up with Hypnos, who had made his way to his base in the sewers.
Since Hypnos had pacified his guards with telepathy, the Paralyzer was the only one in his organization that could still fight back.
Eventually, after a short battle, the Paralyzer was defeated by the soothing words of Hypnos. Since his prosthetic right arm, missile pod, and left leg were blown off in the fight, the Paralyzer had no choice but to hear out his offer.
Hypnos apologized for his disturbance, and the fact that it had to come to this. So, he made his offer even more enticing.
This time, Hypnos offered the Paralyzer a higher rank in his organization: NEUROTOR, as an "ID Scientific Specialist". In return for his cooperation, he would have access to SEER technology and the ability to torment as many people as he wants, with NEUROTOR's heads making sure that the Paralyzer isn't punished for this.
Once he heard the full, revised Contract, the Paralyzer would immediately take Hypnos up on the offer, signing the Contract. The Paralyzer was confident in the deal, as it benefited both him and Hypnos' group.
On the off chance the Paralyzer wanted to break the Contract, he reasoned that his increased Qionic Resonance from his previous stint as a SEER would be enough to circumvent the Contract.
The Paralyzer's return to the stage of public affairs in Heaven's Tomb has now begun... [Direct Prelude to Nanitus: the Automachy]


The Paralyzer's first job as an associate of NEUROTOR would be a task given to the organization by an affiliate within the Science Division. This assignment concerned the Dissonant known as Io, who was discovered by an informant in the Sea of Ruin to have developed Specter Mutations, which was the ultimate prognosis of her prior Phoronean Mutations.
The Paralyzer's role in their operation would be to probe at the idealistic, naive, and innocent Io to see if she was ready for the mental and physical burden of undertaking Nanite Resonance, or what the humans called "Integratius Nanitus".
Much to the Paralyzer's delight, NEUROTOR had only one restriction for what he could do to Io in order to achieve this goal: keep her alive.
And so, the Paralyzer would send Deinos, one of his followers, to the Sea of Ruin in order to capture her and bring her to his lair.
[Nanitus: the Automachy Episode 8]

After the critically injured Deinos failed in his mission to retrieve Io, the Paralyzer would relay the information to Hypnos, who didn't seem all that bothered by this setback. Hypnos would merely instruct the Paralyzer to keep on sending agents to test and retrieve Io, whether they be his followers, NEUROTOR Associates, or hired muscle.
During this time, the Paralyzer would begin to stew over his lost SEER abilities, as while he still has some leftover Qionic Resonance from his time as a SEER, this resonance is nowhere near the power he used to have in the 2060s.
The Paralyzer would brood over this problem to no avail, as any solution he thought of proved too risky, and might expose him to Executive Division meddling.
Ultimately, the Paralyzer decided that he should abduct and torment a random citizen from the bourgeoise of Heaven's Tomb in order to counteract this period of malaise he found himself in.
But still, it would take a while to answer the question.
Who?... [Nanitus: the Automachy Episode 11]

Eventually, after some conversation with one of his confidants: the Mech known as Scream Reaper, the Paralyzer would change his mind.
Instead of kidnapping a member of the Middle Class, the Paralyzer instead opted to target the Upper Class. Specifically, a target within one of the groups that controlled Sectors of Heaven's Tomb: the daughter of the High King Agamemnon, Polyxena.
The goal wasn't to break Polyxena, that was just a bonus. The true objective of the plan would be to lure out the SEERESS Cassandra, who the Paralyzer reasoned would attempt to interfere with his scheme.
After the Paralyzer informed NEUROTOR officials of his plan, Hypnos would respond quite positively to the plan, encouraging him to carry it out, with only the "caveat" of keeping her alive until the Plan is complete.
Hypnos also requested the extraction of Polyxena's memories via Synoran Extracts, an experimental technology created by a NEUROTOR Senior Officer designed to quickly download and copy memories from a Mecharus.
Along with this, Hypnos would advise him to keep his plan under wraps, as this operation could blow their cover if he isn't careful.
The Paralyzer acknowledged the request, and sent out Deimos, the more competent twin of Deinos reserved for important operations, Hexaphobia, an elite assassin known for his disdain for Mecharus with six limbs, Zemmiphobia, an overconfident close quarters combat specialist with a penchant for severing the legs of his victims, Arachibutyrophobia, a crazed goon that uses an irritating sticky substance to immobilize his enemies, and Terrormaster, a specialist in chemical weapons that target the mind's ability to think rationally in combat.
The Paralyzer would eagerly await the arrival of Polyxena into his lair, as it had been a while since his last Fear Session, and he had grown tired of waiting.. [Nanitus: the Automachy Episode 12]

Soon enough, the Paralyzer would receive the confused and scared princess from his strike team, who had faced unexpected resistance from Polyxena's sibling, the disillusioned SEERESS Cassandra, the Dissonant Io, and their allies, who had attempted to defend Polyxena from her kidnappers.
Unfortunately, Arachibutyrophobia was crippled and accidentally killed by Io. When she had severed his left arm and right knee in combat, Arachibutyrophobia had spread his sticky substance all over himself and her in a desperate bid to slow her movement.
He neglected the fact that the Psycho Injector Needle Glove used by Io contained a volatile compound which reacts quite negatively to the substance.
This ended up blowing up everything covered with the sticky substance. While this stunned and heavily damaged Io's arms as well as her chest, further damage was prevented due to the substance only coating her exterior armor.
Since Arachibutyrophobia stored the sticky substance within chest compartments, this ended up vaporizing Arachibutyrophobia, leaving only a few scraps of him behind and killing him instantly.
Meanwhile Deimos was incapacitated by Cassandra via an explosive shot to the chest. Meanwhile, Hexaphobia's hands were shot off with a railgun and his chest was blown to pieces by a shotgun. Apparently, he had been decapitated but had survived thanks to NEUROTOR technology, which had worked on him before his consciousness decayed into irrational data.
While the Paralyzer wasn't too pleased with the fate of the strike team, his reservations were outweighed by glee.
The Paralyzer could finally release his repressed rage through the catharsis of making Polyxena beg for the release of death one nightmare at a time.
[Nanitus: the Automachy Episode 12.5]

The Paralyzer would start his fun by using a loaned Synoran Glove from NEUROTOR to interface with Polyxena's Datacore, weaponizing her fears of loneliness and abandonment against her.
Along with this, the Paralyzer would call on one of his subordinates, Haphephobia to caress her while inserting a sticky substance into her joints as an ode to his fallen friend Arachibutyrophobia.
Once Haphephobia was done with his revenge, the Paralyzer would enter into Polyxena's torture chamber. He would then proceed to rip apart and put back together her limbs while scratching her body. The Paralyzer did this due to him discovering Polyxena's aversion to being touched from Synoran Probing.
Finally, the Paralyzer would forcibly attach Polyxena's arms, which had their hands switched from their normal positions to the opposite arm. The Paralyzer would then use her legs as an incentive for her to stay alive until the interrogation was done.
Unfortunately for Polyxena, her next and final interviewer would be Scream Reaper, who would request some lone time with Polyxena. The Paralyzer abided his wishes and let him do his thing.
Unbeknownst to the Paralyzer, the same group of Mechs who tried to prevent Polyxena's abduction had used Arachibutyrophobia's mangled head to track down their base in Sector 13.6 all the way from Sector 13.10.
This time, a former Peace Division Lieutenant known as Dreadnaught and a small orange Scrapper identified by Terrormaster as Blowstick accompanied Io, Cassandra, Hades, Hephaestus, Iphigenia, and Hooligan in rescuing Polyxena.
Along with them, Scream Reaper identified another enemy hostile in the area. While he was all the way back in Sector 13.10, his hacking prowess would prove too great a threat to ignore. Strangely, the computer identified him as a human. Not a Mecharus.
While the Paralyzer was irritated by their timing, he was eager to have a rematch with them. Especially Io and Cassandra, whom he had unfinished business with.
The Paralyzer would wait for Scopophobia, Taurophobia, Ornithophobia, Leporiphobia, and Epistemophobia to intercept the targets before making his own move.
He would return to the torture chamber Polyxena was held in, and within this room was Scream Reaper, who loomed above the young mech as she sobbed on the ground.
The Paralyzer would cackle as he asked Polyxena why she was crying. She merely responded with a simple phrase. A phrase that sent him laughing over the moon like a lunatic.
"They think I'm annoying--And they're right.."
The Paralyzer giggled as he gave her a "word of encouragement", which only made things worse much to his amusement.
Suddenly, the Paralyzer received a distress signal via Qionic Messaging from Scopophobia.
Unfortunately, Epistemophobia did not survive his encounter with Hooligan, one of the Mechs that participated in the rescue mission. Apparently, he had his right arm blown off and had bisected him from the waist downwards. After this, Hooligan then blew up his entire body with a well-placed explosive launcher shot to the head, killing him instantly.
The Paralyzer had advised him to install the NEUROTOR Augments into his brain, but it was too late to inform him of his mistake now.
Taurophobia, Ornithophobia, and Leporiphobia were all incapacitated by Io, Blowstick, Iphigenia, and Dreadnaught respectively. While they were left alive, their critical condition prevented them from reentering the battle.
While the Paralyzer hadn't heard any bad news from Scopophobia, he knew that his interceptor team was taken care of by the rescue team.
Luckily for him, he still had Terrormaster, Hexaphobia, Zemmiphobia, and Scream Reaper to ward off the rescue team while he dealt with the Mech missing from the battle.
The SEERESS' absence was too glaring of a detail to ignore. As such, the Paralyzer would ping Scopophobia, who had been fighting off Cassandra on the roof of the base while the rest were warding off the rescue team.
There was no response from him, as Cassandra had used her abnormally high SEER Resonance to predict his attacks before impaling him with her SEER Glove and overloading him with enough information to knock him offline.
As his inert body fell off the roof, the Paralyzer would claw his way to the top in order to face the wistful SEER and vanquish her to the wistful isolation she had come to both treasure and despise.
Thanks to his Qionic Fortitude, the Paralyzer's moves were impossible for Cassandra's SEER Resonance to predict, meaning that he could stand toe-to-toe with the Forlorn Foreteller.
Eventually, the Paralyzer would get the drop on Cassandra, stunning her with his pistol and stabbing her with the Synoran Glove, allowing him to interface with his former patient's mind once more.
Cassandra would be shown a nightmare of a thousand eyes all staring at her, a great prejudice in their eyes.
Along with this, the voices were coming back. This time in full force. Along with them came the noises, who became more incoherent the more she tried to listen to them and more painful the more she tried to ignore them.
Among the noises, Cassandra had somehow picked out her friends. Her family.
And she wishes she hadn't.
Their voices kicked Cassandra down. The voices trampled on her: a crow beneath the herd.
Cassandra heard Iphigenia sighing, as she mused on how Cassandra was such a killjoy to be around.
She heard Io's frustrated voice, bewildered on how a privileged Mech like herself could have the gall to complain on her life, when she was given the pleasures of Sector 1.6 only to deny it all.
Worst of all, Cassandra heard the distressed voice of Polyxena, who pleaded with her to just leave her alone. For she acted as if the woes of others were her own.
The Paralyzer was successful in his scheme. In his eyes, he had broken both Polyxena and Cassandra. Now it was time for him to stomp on the pieces.
The Paralyzer would walk towards the mentally incapacitated Cassandra, who had seemingly lost the will to live.
Unlike her friend, the Paralyzer held no interest in keeping her alive. She had nothing to offer him in terms of amusement anymore. If he wanted to view her suffering again, the Paralyzer could simply replay the moment in his head until he was satisfied.
Cassandra held no myth that needed to be dismantled. Therefore, she was freed to be dismantled by the Paralyzer, who took great glee in her demise.
However, his attempt to kill Cassandra would be stopped by Io, who sliced off his Synoran Glove when he attempted to impale Cassandra in the eyes.
A chainsaw deployed on the stump of his right arm and the Paralyzer ditched the pistol in favor of a Tranquillizer Rifle that Fetor's terrorist organization Antraphage had covertly given to him when his old friend learned of his survival.
The Paralyzer also drew out

Traumas and Unresolved Mysteries/Loose-Ends

  • The Paralyzer was likely affected by the bullying that took place in his younger days, which ultimately lead to him realizing that he enjoys watching others fear him.
    Whether this love of fear was always present within the Paralyzer,

  • The Paralyzer was driven off the deep end when he was mauled by Gourmantis, succumbing to his madness and fully becoming his cackling, insane, costumed self.

groups Social
Relationship with Superiors

  • Initially, the Paralyzer was clueless to Hypnos' true machinations. He believed that Hypnos was

List of Occupations

  • Originally, the Paralyzer was a chemical weapons specialist and Controller working for PentaCorp.

  • After he was vacated due to the Paralyzer's rapidly increasing penchant for insane and dangerous experiments, he would begin his new profession as an unaligned Terror-Scientist.

List of Past and Current Factions

  • The Paralyzer is affiliated with no one, he only accepts the odd mercenary job and payment for his toxins. He can fight for a faction one moment and fight under its mortal enemy the next.

device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

  • "You're attempting to be brave! You're attempting to be the hero.
    Oh well! That can only worsen your eventual collapse."

  • "Phobos died long ago my poor dear friend! We can't schedule a visit...
    If you want. You can call his friend 'The Paralyzer' instead! Not like you have a choice in the matter!"

  • "Kill her?! Don't make me laugh! If you decide to kill her now, she'll be remembered for the hero the world sees her to be. But if we shatter, crack, and burn her psyche, then hand the pieces to her..
    "The world will only remember a victim!"

  • "If you have one person afraid of you, they call you a monster.
    If you have one hundred people afraid of you, they call you mass hysteria. If you have a thousand people afraid of you, they call you a cult leader.
    If you have a million people afraid of you, they call you a dictator.
    If you have all the people afraid of you, they call you a God."

  • “Despite his interference in our plans, I admire what COGNITOS has going on. Every single Mech is held in their place by fear of infinite suffering, fear of persecution by the endless supply of moronic sheep and slipping off the hill of their precious paradise! COGNITOS makes the most moralistic and rational of us into pure monsters! It’s quite hilarious! As a matter of fact, I remember a nun ratting out her sane friend and being coerced to put him inside an insane asylum! If there’s anybody besides us that know of fear, it’s them!"

Profile Description by other Characters

  • "He's relatively tolerable enough to be around in spite of his off-putting fear gimmick. After interacting with that bug Enroach, I could tolerate anybody else.
    "The Paralyzer really does make a good Mech to talk with, and after he rambled on his terror obsession, I engaged the transaction.
    "50 Million Mecharite Dollars for an entire island worth of his toxins, no fussing about any specific trade conditions, just the money and his prey. I look forward to working with him again, this time with more personal targets." - Thanatos

Quotes in reference to the Character

  • "Don't call him 'Phobos', hates any trace of the weakling he thought he left behind.." - Hypnos


  • The Paralyzer gets the notable out-of-story distinction of being the first character to have their actual, pencil to paper design (As of now, at least) be uploaded as an image instead of an AI Image Placeholder or the Kyklomorph MS Paint Images.

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Enemies Made link mentioned The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Friends link linked The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Profile Description by other Characters link mentioned The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Triadae Power Systemae Ranking link mentioned The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Voice/Vocal Patterns link mentioned The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Fears link mentioned The Paralyzer

Item chevron_right Description link mentioned The Paralyzer

Item chevron_right List of Previous and Current Owners link linked The Paralyzer

Item chevron_right Overview link mentioned The Paralyzer

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned The Paralyzer

This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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