assignment Overview
Main Name


Name Meaning/Significance

Fly-Eyes' name refers to his Optics, which closely resemble that of an Insect, being Compound Eyes. On another note, Fly-Eyes' name also refers to his darting and agile nature, as well as his constant surveillance and the paranoid feeling of being watched by him.

Full Name

Fly-Eyes, the Insect Tormentor

Alternate Names

Creepy Bug, Gadfly,


The Insect Tormentor,

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Percievable Characteristics
Voice/Vocal Patterns

Fly-Eyes' voice is truly unsettling to behold. His creepy, whisperish, Human-Like Voice is incredibly jarring compared to his inhuman, disgusting bug-like appearance.
His voice constantly maintains a monotone inflection, with only slight raising and lowering of this tone, even when ecstatic or enraged.
Paradoxically enough, his voice also has an extremely high volume, with the voice being a constant, but quiet earworm, constantly drilling into your head until the day you can't take it anymore.
Strangely enough, Fly-Eyes has another voice, this voice is incredibly loud and insectoid sounding, with the voice sounding like a raging animalistic monster, in short, the polar opposite of his other voice.
This is because of Fly-Eyes' telepathic and psionic abilities, with him able to transmit his creepy voice to any number of individuals he sees fit, setting the volume as high as he wants in spite of his actual Voice, the dissonance making his victims feal uneased.
This paired with the general horror that comes with the fact that the victim(s) are the only ones to hear his constant whispers, which range from him goading his victims to end themselves, nagging on his victims to commit horrible atrocities, endless remarks of the fact that Fly-Eyes is always watching, commenting on their sad existence, and many more depraved thoughts in reference to the victim(s), directly visible to them and only them, making them look insane when they tell others of the Psychic Broadcasts, as others only see a Being slowly losing their mind.
Unsurprisingly, many of his victims usually commit the unthinkable, either Ending Themselves or Ending Others due to these Psychic Manipulations.

Height - How tall is Fly-Eyes?

Fly-Eyes is around 18 Feet Tall without any height extensions, making him quite small for such a threatening figure.
In his Death Ambulator, Fly-Eyes is around 38 Feet Tall, with him easily being able to rip others in half in this mode if he so chose, this is at the cost of agility, fuel-efficiency, and subtlety though, reducing this advantage.

General Mass/Weight

Fly-Eyes is very light and nimble, being very low in mass compared to his compatriots, a direct punch from Fly-Eyes likely wouldn't be the worst blow you could get. Fly-Eyes can't pin down targets without his Death Ambulator due to his lack of significant weight.


Fly-Eyes is a Mecharus, more specifically the PTU-97c (Psionic Terror Unit [Controller]), a model specifically built with Advanced Psionic Capabilities as the main focus, with the physical strengths and durability being a mere afterthought to PentaCorp.

equalizer Stats

Fly-Eyes ranks very low in this department, while he isn't deliberately attempting to be disgusting like Fetor or Gourmantis, his disturbing Psionic Projections and his creepy Stalker Behavior certainly don't make him any more appealing than his contemporaries. In fact, many deliberately try to avoid Fly-Eyes, as his relentless ruthlessness turns off many Beings from attempting communications with him.

archive Inner Psyche
Motivations - What motivates Fly-Eyes most?

Fly-Eyes is motivated by the need to keep his targets on edge.
Whereas others may torture their victims for only a couple weeks or months, Fly-Eyes torments his prey for years upon years, harassing them with fleeting glances, making his Prescence both extremely creepy and extremely subtle, and at times, just staring at his victims. Pairing this with his Psychic Transmissions, and it becomes blatantly obvious why Fly-Eyes uses these methods instead of others.
They make him feel powerful, they are extremely discreet, they are mostly foolproof, and most importantly...
It creates the most suffering, which is ultimately the end goal of Fly-Eyes' existence, to serve as a never-ending Gadfly to the weak, vulnerable, and scared. Constantly watching, constantly judging, and constantly whispering...

alarm History
groups Social
Favorite color - What is Fly-Eyes’s favorite color?

Fly-Eyes' favorite color is a bright, poisonous Green. Loving the brightness and obviousness of the Green Color.

device_hub Family
phone_android Digital Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

  • Fly-Eyes was intended to be less creepy, being a mere Scout for the Mechavius and generic Enemy to our main cast, but after fleshing out his traits, thinking about how his name could reflect his behavior, and some insperation

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This character was created by Cackla, the Phantasma on

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