forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

‘I’m quite content with the way my body currently is.’

Ōn’nyosh then simply stayed like he was. He played with his hair still, a bit bored now that he couldn’t properly talk shit. He also wasn’t sure how he’d be able to escape the chest or leg restraints. He might be a slippery devil, but he could only do so much when he was tightly restrained, naked, and lacking tools.

(I have no idea what to do with Ōn’nyosh at this point)

Deleted user

(lol, yeah. . . Joy is also apparantly now the type of person who gives no shits and tolerates no bullshit herself, so. . . yeah)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six finally calmed himself, before turning to look at On'nyosh again.
"You seem a bit bored, my silent friend. Let's do something about that." He snapped his fingers, and the room changed again.
For Joy, nothing much was different, though she could feel an odd breeze suddenly.
For Jenna and Ezra, they found themselves in the position On'nyosh had been in, laid-out, spread-eagled in a crucifix position, arms, legs, chest and head bound in place by metal bars. They were both facing what seemed like a huge space on the other side of a thick glass.

For the Jester, the room disappeared, and he suddenly found himself in a large, open cavern. It was pitch black until bright white lights came on, illuminating the rock around him.
In the corner was a vicious looking creature, all legs and arms and long, razor sharp claws. It looked at On'nyosh with too many eyes, clicking its mandibles together loudly.
The Jester was free. His hands and legs were unbound, nothing trapped him, though he was still unclothed and unarmed.

The creature clacked its oversized teeth once more, before charging him.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Definitely mixes things up, lol)

Ōn’nyosh had a bad feeling the moment Six looked at him. His instincts were right, particularly when he was suddenly in a dark cave. Then, bright light came on, blinding him for a moment.

When his eyes finally adjusted, he realized he was free, but he also realized that he was being sized up by a strange, evil-looking creature.

‘Fucking asshole magician.’

Ōn’nyosh quickly glanced around himself, studying his surroundings, then bolted when the creature charged. He headed for a textured wall and leaped up high, grabbing whatever handholds he could find and propelling himself upward with as much speed as his acrobatic body could manage.

Deleted user

Joy notices the breeze and inhales, then cringes away from the direction the smell is coming from.

It smelled like rotting, fetid meat, fecal matter and piss. It was the smell of a beast who didn't see the light of day once in its life. It was the smell of ancient fear drifting through an old cave, wafting up from the depths of some forgotten ruin beneath the earth.

It sounded. . . disgusting. Dripping water mixed with the sound of gurgling coming from some huge thing, the thing that reeked the most of meat. Her instincts were screaming at her to escape, to run, to never look back or else she'd die.

But she couldn't move, not even an inch.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The creature had 3 legs, moving like some demented 3-legged bench mixed with an ant and something uncomfortably furry. It followed On'nyosh, just crawling straight up the wall like it wasn't vertical.
The ceiling of the cavern was just solid rock, the lighting coming from weird, unseen sources. The Creature actually reached it first, and crawled upside down across the ceiling towards the Jester.

Deleted user

(Love how 0 descriptions help Joy out XD I've never actually written a blind character, so this is a new experience)

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra jumped when the room changed and immediately started trying to move from his fixed position. He hated being unable to move, the cage was fine because he could fidget and pace. Distracted by his temporary paralysis, he didn't notice the animal and Ōn'nosh until the sounds reached him and he looked up. "Eww. what is that?"

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"While I think I'm one of the least threatening physically, leave me alone with you in a room with no way out and a microphone and I'll start screaming insults at you until you either pop like a grape or until you simply kill me to shut me up." Joy growls.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh paused a good ways up the wall when he saw the creature on the ceiling, the ceiling, heading for him.

Goddamn ugly-ass spider!

Ōn’nyosh snorted irritably, glancing around. He then had an idea and decided to climb back down. He jumped down the last few feet, looking around at the ground. Noticing some loose rocks, he quickly grabbed as many as he could reasonably carry, then searched for a spot of cover.

He found a curve in the wall a bit away from the creature and settled there. He then also looked around for other spots of cover, because he knew he’d likely have to move. While he did all of this, he made sure to keep an eye on the creature.