forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Creature kept at least one side of it's multi-faceted multiple eyes on the Jester as he scrambled away. It crawled straight across the ceiling, clacking it's mandibles loudly every few feet, and got overhead of the fleeing man, before dropping to the ground with an odd crunch, flipping in mid-air to land on its feet.
It landed a few feet away from him, and hissed loudly, an odd, spittle-inflected noise.

Six nodded slowly as On'nyosh made his moves. "Picking up the rocks, good, good, come on now."

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Joy shudders as she hears everything, in great detail.

"Come someone be my eyes and tell me what in the actual fuck is making these noises and smells?"

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Wish I could love!" Ezra shouted over his shoulder. He was beginning to calm down and relax, but was very much still hating his position. "But we're all kind of stuck right now." He twisted his head to face Joy as much as he could in his restraints. "But that thing you're hearing and smelling. It's kind of like a spider. But much worse."

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Joy snorts then laughs.

"Yeah. Wait- On'nyosh is in there?"

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(No, have you even met On'nyosh dude? Try holding a civil conversation with him, I dare you. It won't end well)

Joy snorts.

"Fucking bastard."

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh watched the creature warily, then glared at it when it landed. He threw one of the rocks at the creature’s many eyes. Then, he threw another, just in case, before bolting for another spot of cover. He readied another rock in his hand.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Creature dodged the rock, which impacted on the stone behind it with a loud crunch. The second one hit it, but bounced off the carapace with an ugly clack sound. The Creature hissed louder and chased down On'nyosh, catching up to him on the ground and clamping its mandibles around his ankle.
It applied pressure, and the ankle began to bend at a bad angle. Much more, and it would be a broken joint.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh made a short, wheezing yelp as he lost balance and fell. He managed to catch himself before slamming face first into the stone ground, but some of his rocks scattered out of reach.

He grimaced, both in frustration and at the growing pain in his ankle as the beast tried to break it. On impulse, he grabbed a rock and threw it at the creature. Though, having another glimpse of its eyes gave him a new idea.

Ōn’nyosh quickly grabbed another rock, spat on it, moved to lay on his side, free leg up, to get a better aim, and threw it at its eyes again. Then, he started to viciously kick at the beast, going for its eyes still, but also searching for other weak points on the ugly creature.

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Joy listens to all this, laughing slightly.

"Oh, this sounds so fun. I wish I could see it."

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Go for the eyes!" Ezra screamed, unsure if Ōn'nosh could even here him but trying all the same. When the Spider grabbed his foot, He cringed and closed his eyes.

"No you don't." he opened his eyes and told Joy. He was disgusted at the two girl's enjoyment of this. It made him think that maybe he was not the one who had gone insane.

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Joy turns in the direction of Ezra's voice.

"Yes, actually, I do. The lizard's been nothing but a rude womanizer since we met it."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Creature seemed content to gnaw on the Jester's ankle, tugging at him and seemingly unaffected by the rocks thrown at it.
The kick to the eyes angered it, though, and it clamped down harder, snapping his ankle like a matchstick.
There was a sharp whistle, and the creature immediately disappeared, vanishing in what looked like a cloud of dust.
Six pursed his lips, watching the 'one wound per creature' rule engage in the cave.

The Jester wouldn't like what came next.