forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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Joy snorts.

"I may be getting metal wings, but I don't think for a second that I can get out of that cage using them."

She gives Ezra her best glare as well.

"Don't tell me you went insane."

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra looked over at Joy. "What is the point of living if it can't be fun, and the best way to have fun is to make sure nothing is not fun." He then walked over to the side of his cage that was facing Jenna's and smiled running his hands through his hair and flexing at the same time. The scars on his torso stretching painfully as he did so. "I'm just curious Love. What's the harm in asking a question?"

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At this point, Joy was learning how to death glare the fuck out of people with her new and improved blind eyes.

She narrows them dangerously at Ezra's genral direction.

"I swear to the Lord Ezra, if you touch Jenna, I will make damn sure you never touch anything again."

Deleted user

Joy glares at Six as well.

"And don't you even go near her."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six glanced up, and the sight of the blind girl on the table glaring in the wrong direction from where he stood, as nanotech built her wings, cracked him up. He managed to keep it to small chuckles, though her legitimate belief that she had some sort of power with which to threaten him almost made him bust up.
"My dear, I'm over here." he said between chuckles. He stepped over next to the table, watching the wings slowly grafting onto her arm bones, now that they were hollowed out.

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"I know I'm blind, jackass. Don't remind me." Joy snarls, turning her head in Six's general direction.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh was livid that Six had survived his venom, but he couldn’t do much about it. He watched and listened to everything, glaring and mouthing endless curses and insults all the while. He even made a point to flash any obscene gesture he could think of when Six looked his way.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh paused when he heard Ezra’s question and Six’s answer. He had no idea what an ‘airplane’ was, and he couldn’t ask, unfortunately, but there was something about Ezra that didn’t seem right. He glanced at the young man, eyeing him for a moment, and recognizing a few things about Ezra’s actions. The boy was acting. Nice to know.

While Six wasn’t looking, Ōn’nyosh started to slowly wiggle his hands and feet, alternating one limb to the other. The cage restraints were tight, but he was circus-born, and had learned over the years how to be an escape artist.

After a moment, and still only moving when Six wasn’t looking, Ōn’nyosh popped his thumb out of joint, wincing, and tested if he could slip his hand through the restraint. He only wanted to see if he could. He would bide his time, and wait for the right opportunity to truly escape.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Alloys." Ezra said slowly. "But it depends on the kind of engine. Some have ceramics." he heard a small snapping sound coming from Ōn'nyosh but didn't turn to look. Bet that hurt. He thought to himself.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"Sooo… metal. Good job!" Six congratulated him. He hadn't noticed On'nyosh's movements, but the popping noise alerted him, as well as Ezra's brief pause right after.
He turned to look at On'nyosh, his hands held out at his sides in a crucifix position by the metal.
"Sounds like someone is working on an escape."