forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh snorted derisively.

‘It would help if it worked,’he mouthed irritably.

He had slipped his hand back through the restraint, his hand dangling in such a way that it disguised his thumb from Six’s view. He was also a good liar, with or without his voice.


"No offense, but all of you are crazy in different ways. Asshole One is a perverted bitch who only insults other people to distract himself from his pain, at least that's what I'm assuming. Asshole Two is a sick psychopath who should be in an asylum for the rest of his life. Joy- Joy is okay. I like her. Ezra, you're laughing like a lunatic all of the sudden and questioning the things our kidnapper is saying, which will probably get you killed in the end." Jenna took a deep breath. "So yeah, you're all crazy."

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh looked at Jenna incredulously, then did his best to huff, though he ended up coughing up a bit of blood. He licked his lips clean, then shook his head.

‘I’m a perverted whore that insults people, but I’m not hiding pain. I’m having fun because I’m a fucking circus-boy, you slow ass dumbshit,’he mouthed to himself.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra shrugged. "Better dead than unable to live in need of help 24/7." he laughed. "Good." he said to Ōn'nyosh. "You understand the necessity of fun." He said, thankful that he had learned to read lips. Ezra accidentally bumped one of the bars and went rigged with pain when he turned to check on Joy.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six just smiled at On'nyosh, before turning to listen to Jenna's rivetting analysis. He wasn't worried about them escaping. There were no doors in the room, no windows, nowhere for them to go. No openings on the ceiling or floor, nothing they could access to leave. And even if they could, there were no tunnels, no outside access. The lab was completely self-contained, placed here by arcane means centuries ago.
As long as On'nyosh didn't start stabbing the other specimens, it would be fine.
He noted Ezra touching the bar and getting zapped, the charge tossing him back into the middle of the cage.

Deleted user

Joy huffs irritably, now silent.

She looks in the general direction of the ceiling and ignores everyone.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh noted Six’s smile and his eyes narrowed. A smile wasn’t something a captor did when they were afraid their victims would escape. That meant one of two things. Either the magician had some wicked spell that would hit him the moment he escaped, or there was no escape at all.

Out of sheer morbid curiosity, and the fact that he couldn’t speak anymore, Ōn’nyosh slipped his hand back out of the restraint, then freed his entire arm. Afterward, he thumped his hand against one of the restraints, popping his thumb back into place with another wince. He then started playing with his hair, waiting for the inevitable reaction.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh glanced at Jenna and rolled his eyes.

‘Slow bitch. Traitorous slow bitch, no less,’he mouthed, though he didn’t bother facing her.

Ōn’nyosh was testing Six’s reaction to him freeing his arm, seeing if his freed limb was actually of any concern to the foul magician or not. But, it seems that he’d also, without even trying, discovered the true weak link in the group, the Traitor. That was good to know. He didn’t like traitors around.

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Joy huffs and calls over to Jenna.

"Leave the lizard alone, you might catch his stupid."

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

‘I can ignore you, you dumb bitch.’

After his mouthed words, Ōn’nyosh did just that, ignored Jenna. He couldn’t insult her, so she wasn’t worth the effort to pay attention to, unless she did something of actual note.

He then chuckled at Joy’s comment. If only she wasn’t blind. He could show her just how stupid he could be, in a number of ways.

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Joy feels the fact that the nerves were starting to attach to the metal and sighs, knowing this bullshit is nearly done with.

"Hey, psychotic shithead. Let me go soon, will ya? I'm nearly done being built. There's also no real need toput me in a cage again, since, you know, I'm blind."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six turned to glance at Jenna, not bothering to respond to her, but giving her a reproachful glance.
Found the one willing to report on her 'allies'.
He looked at On'nyosh and smiled. "I can removed your fingers if you'd like. Seems like that would be it easier to get out of your predicament."
Joy's words made him chuckle as he checked the progress on the nanotech. "Oh, you're definitely getting there. Though that's just the wings. Gotta do the rest of you still."
Such plans he had for this little bird.

Deleted user

Joy groans.

"Oh you piss-blooded, maggot-riddled, cocksucking, plague-bearing, cabbage headed, whore-mouthed prissy." she hisses.

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(This motherfucker is deranged to not get at least a little ticked off by the foulness that just touched the air XD )

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(Lol, gotta get at least one cabbage or lettuce related insult in per line of foulness)

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra sat up and looked at Six with disgust. Cringing, he tried to yell over him to Jenna. "What is your favorite color?" He asked trying to cover the disturbing noises coming from Six.