forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Is that a reference from The Silmarillion? I haven’t read it, but I’ve looked up bits and pieces)

Ōn’nyosh narrowed his eyes at Six. Apparently, he had stumbled upon a clue finally. Now, to keep up with it. He wasn’t sure which mythology the magician was referring to, since he knew many different mythologies, but if he could find out without giving himself away, that might help.

“I’m a fucking wandering jester, you dumbshit! Maybe if you got to know your victims before snatching them, you might be better prepared to handle them in here. Or do you get to know them in some other way? Mutilating them first, then showing them off, or is that just the spectacle before you take them? Hmm… probably eating them afterward. That would get rid of the evidence perfectly, wouldn’t it, you fucking Ball-Eating-Fuck?”Ōn’nyosh snorted.

Ōn’nyosh had actually referenced a strange woman he had met a year or two ago. She was good-natured in her weird way, but she was a cannibal with some very strange habits.

He then turned back to Jenna.

“Fuck off, Madame Slow. Besides, if you manage to get in here, you might find me a harder challenge to mangle than you think,”he snorted.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra had stopped laughing and was watching Ōn'yosh and Jenna fight. "I bet it wouldn't be too hard." He told Ōn'nyosh absentmindedly. "you just have to find a chink, or a crack, or an impurity in the shell."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(It is indeed a Silmarillion reference, and I thought yours was too. Theres a bit where a person cuts open a wolf to dig out a jewel in his bowels. it was too on the nose for me to ignore it, so well done if it was random)

Six chuckled, focusing on his work. If he'd let every name-calling kid throw him off over the years, he'd have gotten nowhere.
Besides, there wasn't much they could do, even if he told them everything. So why let them have anything at all?

Deleted user

Joy sighs.

"Instead of scheming to kill each other, how about we find a way out of here that can accomodate a blind lady and a soon to be voicless lizardman?" she says pointedly and loudly.

She nearly screams, though, as Six starts working his way up her other arm.

"Mother-fucking ass-sucking cock-biting son of a bitch!" she growls through gritted teeth.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Lmao, it was random! Ōn’nyosh was actually referring to, in a sense, ripping a joke/info out of Six’s ass. But, apparently there was more to it, lol! But, I have researched the Silmarils before, so yeah, lol)

Ōn’nyosh glanced at Ezra with a confused look, but he kept the man’s words in mind. He then looked at Jenna again and laughed.

“Don’t underestimate me either, or my level of perversion,”he replied.

He glared at Six when he went silent, then sighed at Joy.

“A blind woman who’s about to have no arms, you mean? Besides, how the fuck do you think we’re going to get out when Bitch Number One isn’t making an effort, hmm? We’ve got a poor boy over here who’s already lost his fucking mind. Then, a slow ass bitch who is really turning me on. Then, me, the asshole lizard jester who can’t shut up because he’s having too much fun insulting people that are probably going to die within a day. So, blind lady, tell me how we’re going to get out,”Ōn’nyosh retorted with a derisive snort.

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Joy sighs.


She snorts derisively at Six.

"And what's a blind lady with wings going to do out in the real world? I'd just become someone else's experiment. Not that I wouldn't like to get out of here, of course."

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh scoffed,”Yeah, after you’ve twisted us into hideous little abominations of your own ‘god-like’ image, vomiting us everywhere. Fucking son of a bitch!”

“Well, maybe if you fought back like I’ve been trying to encourage you, Bitch Number One!”Ōn’nyosh snapped back at Joy.

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Joy grins in Jenna's direction. "Thanks, but you already respected me."

"I am chained to the fucking table, dipshit. Trust me, I'd love to tear this mans throat apart, rip off his testicles and shove them in there, but sadly, that isn't fucking possible. One reason why? He has no balls, otherwise I'd be unbound."

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

“Must I repeat myself? You’re a woman! Use your body! You have more power and flexibility in your little toe than most men, as all females do! Go wild, woman!”Ōn’nyosh hissed.

“Though, I agree with you there. Wolf-Fucks-Shit has no balls,”he added with a laugh.

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"When I said I'm tied down to the table, I meant it. You really think I can twist into a 4-dimensional fucking pretzel or Mrs. Fantastic my way out of this shit? I can barely lean over without my back cracking in 22 different places, shit-sniffer. Now shut up, or I'll tell this fucker to not only cut out your voicebox, but your tongue too!"

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six had to pause, as their antics made him laugh hard enough to shake his hands.
He got ahold of himself, not leaning into the unhinged laugh, nd went back to work.
"The restraints are for your protection. Wouldn't want you to move the wrong way and lose something actually valuable."
The irony was thick as he sliced away the last piece of skin, leaving this arm the same as the other one.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

“You’d be surprised how many women I’ve met that would, at least, attempt escaping those restraints. If you fucking tried thinking, maybe you’d see that,”Ōn’nyosh snorted.

He glared evilly at Six.

“Well, Shit-Bags-Galore has a sick sense of humor, does he? Fucking prick. Maybe we can exchange jokes while we’re at it. It would probably be better entertainment than these humorless bitches,”he said.

Deleted user

"My protection? How can I be protected while your cutting my fucking arms apart? I know I volunteered, but for fucks sake, how slow can you possibly make this," Joy says, her tone clearly indicating she didn't care if he answered or not.

"If I tried to escape I'd lose more than just my fucking ski, I might lose the whole arm." she growls.

"And I'm not humourless. I think I'm pretty fucking funny."

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

“Oh, you poor fucking bitch. Too afraid to risk a limb to save your life. Where the fuck are you from, woman? Most of the women I’ve known have the balls to fight to the death,”Ōn’nyosh said.

“Well, you can’t tell a joke, that’s for damn sure,”he retorted.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six smiled at her. "I've been doing my best to hurry, little one. But you needn't worry, this next bit can take hours."
He turned and picked up 2 small pieces of metal off the table, each about the size of a phone. He rested one on each of her shoulders, where the metal immediately flowed like liquid down her arms. It wasn't molten, but instead felt like billions of tiny bugs crawling over her arms.
Her nerves lit on fire as the nanites began biting at the exposed tendrils.
Six stepped away, watching for a moment. "Now we wait."

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"I only have one life, I'm not wasting it just because some random fucker is telling me to." Joy growls.

She snarls and hisses through her teeth.

"Jesus fucking Christ allmighty-" she growls, eyes narrowing at Six.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

“Ah, fuck ya then. Hey, Fuckhead with the snaggle teeth, ya never answered me on the joke sharin’ thing. How ‘bout it?”Ōn’nyosh asked. He was using a different accent, just because he could. He needed some new entertainment, because the current kind was just pissing him off more.

“Who the fuck is that? Another idiot god?”he blurted at Joy.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra rocked back and forth as they talked. He was trying to look cracked while moving closer to the bars of his cage to inspect them. He already knew that if you were to touch them they would hurt you. He had yet to figure out why though, and if he knew that, he might be able to turn off, or atleast make them berable. He stopped moving when Joy cursed in pain. If he could just get out he could help her.
"Joy, Love, it's ok. It's ok, it's going to be ok Darling." He laughed again and continued rocking back and forth. Inching ever closer to the bars.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six watched the nanites do their work for a moment, before turning and smiling at the Jester.
"Indeed, I would love to share jokes." He snaps his fingers, and the metal of On'nyosh's cage morphs quickly, the bars wrapping his legs and arms and holding him still in a crucifix position. A bar wraps around his chest, and one wraps around his forehead, holding him completely immobile other than his mouth, fingers and toes. "You first."
He glanced at Ezra and gave him a smile as well. "Make sure you're not touching the bars whe he tells this, you won't want to miss the punchline."

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra froze, turned his attention to the jester, and hid a small smile without moving any farther from the bars. Six had stopped him trying to touch the bars. It made Ezra wonder if it was easier to turn them off than he had expected. But that would have to wait. Right now, the Jester was telling jokes.