forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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Joy feels the buzz run through her as she gets thrown back; she smells singed hair and groans.

"God damn, that hurt. . ." she mutters, staying exactly where she was, her muscles spasming too much for her to get up.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six chuckled, a low quiet sound that all of them could hear like he was in the cage with them, right next to them. He began speaking and it wasn't a yell, or even a conversational tone, but a sibilant half whisper.
"You'll be able to hear each other soon, don't you worry. I'll make sure you're able to hear the noises I draw from you."
He stepped forward and snapped, and suddenly the room was bathed in white light. The surfaces were all white or the mild gray of concrete, with shiny metal objects, tools, and furniture interspersed throughout the small room. In the center of the room, just in front of six, was a large metal table, with ankle and arm restraints placed at various intervals along its sides.
Six step up to this table, and tapped it thoughtfully. He knew they wouldn't be able to hear the tapping, just his voice, but he did it anyway. The soundproofing spell he was using made sure they could hear him, and only him, though that would change soon enough.
"Who wants to get out of your dismal little cage first?"

@DancingWithMyDemons business

(question; do they each have their own cage or are they all together w/ Ōn’nyosh on the side?)

Ezra sat up with the white flash, popping just about every bone in his back as he did so. The first thing he noticed was that he was cold. cold and vulnerable. cold, vulnerable, and missing just about every piece of clothing that was previously covering him. "Ah shit." He said as he opened his eyes and took in his surroundings.

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Joy sighs and flips the man a gesture both that was rude and in offering of herself.

"Start with me, you shit-faced leopard-spotted pot-bellied barrel-licking toadstool." she growls. She didn't approve of being this rude, but she figured this man deserved it, especially since she had been kidnapped and was now naked in an electrified cage.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(Just a heads up/reminder that in joining this, you've agreed for your character to wind up with mutilation and body modification.If you're jus realizing where this is going, now is the time to say something)

Six smiled as the girl flipped him an obscene gesture and began speaking.He still couldn't hear her through the sound proofing, but he could only assume she was calling him a myriad of foul and vulgar names.
"Thank you for volunteering, friend."

He gave what sounded like an odd snarl, and the room suddenly reconfigured. The cages were arranged in a semicircle around the metal table, where they all had a front row view of the goings on.

Joy found herself suddenly flat on her back on the table, her hands and feet restrained my metal reinforced leather straps. Six stood over her, smiling in an almost gentle way at her.
"Now, there comes a moment, in the course of every person's life, where they choose their destiny." He leaned closer.
"Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?"

Deleted user

"Wings, to explore the skies and escape from this hell that I'm in. You'd better give me a damn good pair for volunteering, too." Joy huffs, not showing her fear or surprise, only showing dispain and contempt and outright challenging this man to make her life hell.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh jolted as the room changed, then simply continued to glare at Six.

“Fucking bastard magician. You like to prey on the young, don’t you? Maybe not the innocent though, because I can say that I’m no fucking innocent,”he snapped.

He then spat in the direction of Six. If only he could get out of the cage, so that he could properly throttle the sick son of a bitch magician about to mutilate a lovely young woman.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra looked around frantically trying to cover his scarred body with his hands. He was unable to hear but could easily see that people were yelling. He looked at the man standing uncaged and Joy on the table. "You twisted bastard!" He screamed not wanting Joy to be hurt.

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Joy turns her head and looks at the cages one last time, flashing everyone but the lizard a thumbs-up and a bright smile.

Good luck to you all! she mouths clearly, forced cheer in her face.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"NOO!" Ezra screamed. she didn't know what she was doing. She couldn't. who could someone so twizted do that to a person. He stood up and grabbed the bars of the cage, only to be thrown back in pain.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six's smile became a tad bit more unhinged.
"Oh, your wings will be magnificent. Where Icarus failed, you will not." He pulled over a small tray on wheels, with various tools and things on it. He picked up a syringe and jabbed it into Joy's thigh.
" A coagulent, so you won't bleed out." He picked up another, and jabbed it into her other thigh.
"And a stimulant, so you won't pass out." Both tried and true cocktails of drugs, that would keep the subject alive and and feeling through the whole thing.
Six snapped his fingers, and the sound proofing was gone, midway through On'nyosh's rant and just before Ezra yelled. Their anger was fitting, for what was about to happen.
"Now, to make you a glorious creature of the sky, we'll need to make a couple of changes." He muttered, his tone turning more businesslike. "Starting with those arms."

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Joy takes a breath.

"Get it over with, you maggot-riddled, shit-stained, lazy eyed, flea bitten, undesirable fucknugget." she growls in one vehement breath.