forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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Joy listens carefully, then turns slightly pale.

"Oh, no. That is most definitely not it. I think. . . there might be a. . . a spell, or something, limiting the ammount of damage that can be done to anyone. The creatures get steadily worse as time goes on, right? It's the same principal as something I read once. . ."

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"I'm saying that whatever is coming next, will be much more. . . disatisfying. . . than what was just in there." Joy mutters.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra was very confused. "No, not good." He looked at Jenna with disgust, He would look at Joy too but he couldn't. "It-He is a living thing. What is wrong with you?" He asked while trying not to look at the sean below.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Because he's doing what his job is?! Because he looks like a half lizard-man thing?!" HE looked at her with disappointment. "I thought you were better than that. But, i guess i thought wrong."

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Are you-? Never mind. Love" He said, adding the love with no shortage of sarcasm and bite. "Since when did she have good opinions?" he asked then shot a quick I'm sorry over his shoulder at Joy.

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Joy raises her eyebrows as she listens to Ezra and Jenna argue, then finally snaps in with,

"Both of you are fucking idiots. How about that."

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"Ohh, ouch." Ezra said smiling. "That was actually good. Where did you look it up, 'cus I know you couldn't have come up with that by yourself." He smiled again when Joy talked. "Love you too." he called over his shoulder at her.

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Joy huffs a growling sigh.

"Okay, I'm actually done with the bickering. Either stop it right the fuck now, or I'll slam some common sense into you both from two stories in the air."