forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

“you're just as important and this is where the doc said to go. He could treat you best here “ he said and walked in.


Corbin sighed in exasperation. "This is gonna be a lot of unnecessary expenses, Cyrus… it's a waste of time and money. I'll get better if I just rest at home a while."

Deleted user

“ I'm not taking the chance of your fever spiking corbin.” he said and sat him down in one of the rooms that the nurse had showed them.


Corbin crossed his arms and looked away, clearly annoyed. "I still don't think we should be here. I'm an adult and I shouldn't be forced to go to the hospital for a little fever."

Deleted user

Cyrus waited for the doc to come in, when he did Cyrus got up and left. Going outside, he decided to lean against the wall and take in a few shaky breaths. He hated hospitals, his mother died in a hospital. Being in one just brought back all the memories, feelings. Every bit of coldness ran down his spine, he was fighting the urge to cry.


Corbin glanced up when the doctor came in, but then returned his stubborn gaze to the wall. "I don't know why he brought me here. I told him not to. I've just got a fever; it's not that big a deal, honestly. I guess just check me to ease his mind or whatever."

Deleted user

The doctor gave a kind smile, sad but still kind. “ Cyrus is scared to lose someone else he loves. His mother.. She died here, and every day on his birthday he's gone to see her. Mark me if I'm wrong but I believe today is his birthday. It must really be getting to him.” he said softly as he did a usual checkup on corbin. “ you have a high fever, over-the-counter medication should break it in a few hours. Thankfully this isn't contagious, just your body's inflammation process. “


Corbin sighed softly. "Yeah, today's his birthday… I just don't know why he would bring me here for something so minor if it's so upsetting to him to be here. We could've just stayed home together and it would've been fine." He curled up on the cot, shivering at the cold in the hospital.

Deleted user

“ your fever was a hundred and common sense says that one hundred and two is deadly. “ the doctor said and helped corbin down.


"No it's not… it's gotta be like, over 104 to be dangerous." Corbin wrapped his arms and wings around himself, still shivering where he stood.

Deleted user

The doctor sighed “ you should get back to him, I doubt he’ll come back in here.”


(Google says it's only dangerous 104-107ish, 102 is only mid grade for adults lol)
"Yeah, I guess. Still not super happy he brought me here in the first place." Corbin sighed and shuffled out the door.

Deleted user

Cyrus was waiting outside. You could see through the windows that he was crying, not baling but enough to see the tears fall.


"Cyrus?" Corbin asked tiredly, still a bit frustrated, but not cold-hearted enough to not care when his boyfriend was crying. "You alright? He says I'm fine."

Deleted user

Cyrus flinched a bit, not knowing corbin was behind him. “ a..sorry, yeah I'm ready. I'm glad your okay.” he said softly


Corbin sighed and weakly hugged Cyrus, leaning into him. He still clearly didn't feel great, but he was trying to be comforting.

Deleted user

“ sure, “ he said and picked corbin up, he flew home and walked inside.


Corbin had fallen asleep by the time they reached home, limp in Cyrus' arms. His breathing was slow and relaxed, if a bit raspy, and although he didn't look great, he seemed content enough.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept his wings around corbin once they landed, he noticed corbins body temp and couldn't help getting worried.


Corbin seemed okay for the moment. At the very least, he was stable, and he was sleeping well enough. In the morning, he had disappeared from his bed.