forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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"Mmmm… working on it." Corbin coughed again and huddled closer. "Maybe I should… uh… drink grape juice or something. Isn't that the one that helps with sickness?"

Deleted user

“ I have no idea, I don't get sick often.” he said and looked down at corbin


Corbin whined softly, resting his head on Cyrus' shoulder. He still felt pretty hot to the touch. "Everything is so uncomfortable."

Deleted user

“ I'm sorry I can't help..” he said softly and nuzzled into the crook of corbins neck.


"Mmnh… should I try and take a shower or something? I feel really gross… but getting up is hard…" He whined.

Deleted user

“ if you think you want to. If you need my help just ask though,”

Deleted user

Cyrus jumped up and locked on the door quickly “ cori! You okay!?”


Corbin didn't reply for a few seconds, but he soon groaned softly from behind the door. "Ow…" He mumbled, barely audibly through the door.

Deleted user

“ hey I'm coming in..” he said and opened the door, he covered his eyes and held put his hand for corbin. He didn't want to intrude of his privacy but he still wanted to make sure he was okay


Corbin struggled to his feet and turned off the water, getting out so he could wrap a towel around himself. "M'covered now…" He mumbled. He was holding one hand to his head, which seemed to be bleeding.

Deleted user

Cyrus uncovered his eyes “ cori are you okay?” he asked softly and grabbed a rag to hold on corbins head. He sighed heavily “ hold this please, “ he asked softly and looked for medical supplies.


"Mm…" Corbin held the rag to his head as instructed, closing his eyes with a shaky sigh. "I-I guess I had the water too hot, or something… it was kinda hard to breathe and my head already hurts and I just… I dunno… I must've passed out."

Deleted user

“ I understand,” Cyrus said and kissed corbins forehead, he bandaged the area. “ do you want my help?” he asked softly, keeping corbins hand in his after he lowered the rag.


"Mm…? Your help with what…?" Corbin asked weakly, looking like he felt pretty woozy. He held onto Cyrus' hand, his grip not especially strong.

Deleted user

“To make sure you don't fall again, I'll leave as soon as your in” he said as a dark color rushed his face.


"A-Ah, um… I don't really need to get back in…" Corbin replied quietly, looking away and flushing as well. "I was… I was pretty much done, anyway… and the bandages probably shouldn't get wet…"

Deleted user

“ Sorry, I didn't know you had already gotten in.” he spoke softly. “ I..ill leave you be to get dressed,” he mumbled and turned to leave.


"It's fine… s-sorry…" Corbin sighed softly, drying himself off and getting dressed after Cyrus had left. After a few minutes, he shuffled back into the bedroom, hugging his stomach with his arms.

Deleted user

Cyrus looked over and held his arms out for corbin. If he wanted to snuggle, Cyrus planned on putting him on top of his chest so that way Cyrus could sleep comfortably on his back. If he even slept at all.