forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

“ neither do I.. “ he said and sat to prune any broken or dead feathers.


Nathaniel sat down beside Corbin on the bed, gently running his fingers through his son's hair. If someone didn't know them, they might assume the two of them were brothers solely based on their looks. "He hasn't been too bad, has he?"

Deleted user

“ he's been in a lot of pain, “ cyrus said and laid down next to corbin, knowing the other would wake sooner or later and ask for him.


Nathaniel sighed softly, gently brushing his fingers against Corbin's cheek. "Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon… you've been giving him meds, right?"

Deleted user

“ Yeah, I've been trying my hardest to get his pain to stop..” he sighed, holding his side to try and help ease some pain from the bruises

Deleted user

“All right” he said softly and wrapped his arms around corbin.


Corbin stirred a little when Cyrus hugged him, but soon settled back down, just turning around in his sleep to huddle closer to him. "If you two are alright, I should probably head out then." Nathaniel said with a soft smile.

Deleted user

Cyrus nodded “ okay, thanks for looking after corbin.. And patching me up.” he said the last part softly. He’d only hope that Nathaniel didn't say anything about how rough the training really was to his husband.


"Of course. Come back to visit soon, will you?" Nathaniel bowed politely and headed out of the apartment to go home. After a while, Corbin started stirring again, mumbling Cyrus' name in his sleep.

Deleted user

“ I'm here, I'm back home love..” he said softly, rubbing corbins back


"Mmnh…" Corbin huddled closer into Cyrus' warmth, taking another couple of minutes to groggily open his eyes. "Mm…?"

Deleted user

Cyrus whined a bit when corbin scooted closer “ ouch, babe be careful..”


"Sorry…" Corbin mumbled before seeming confused. "Wait, why? Are you hurt or something? How did you manage that?" He asked.

Deleted user

“ dad went pretty rough.. Your dad made me sit and he wrapped them.”


"Okay…" Corbin kept close, but made sure not to hold Cyrus too tightly. "I feel a little better… dunno how long that'll last, though."

Deleted user

“ it'll probably start getting better now..” he mumbled with a yawn


"Yeah, hopefully… being sick sucks. I gotta get back to work…" Corbin lapsed into a coughing fit, curling in on himself.

Deleted user

“ don't talk so much..” cyrus said and pulled corbin closer, despite the pain in his side.

Deleted user

“ for once I can agree with you love. “ he chuckled a bit.

Deleted user

He checked his watch, “ I believe now actually. “ he went to the bathroom to search for Corbin's meds.