forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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"Mmkay… can I have something to drink, too…?" Corbin asked weakly, shivering a bit after Cyrus had left him.

Deleted user

“Yeah, “ Cyrus slid his shirt off, it was messing with all the bandages. He was practically wrapped in bandages. He came back from the kitchen with a glass if water, Corbin's pill and another blanket to throw ontop of them.


Corbin swallowed the pill and started idly sipping at the water, relaxing as it soothed his sore throat. He soon finished the water and curled back up under the blankets.

Deleted user

Cyrus threw the blanket over corbin and pulled him close. “ hey babe,” he asked softly

Deleted user

“ can we just cuddle tomorrow, My whole fucking body hurts”


Corbin was gone again when Cyrus awoke, but he wasn't in the bathroom. He was in the kitchen trying to make himself something to eat.

Deleted user

Cyrus sat up, groaning as he did so. He really didn't think he'd be this sore.. He got up to go find corbin “cori?” he called


Corbin didn't reply. He'd fallen asleep in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a pot of water boiling over on the stove.

Deleted user

Cyrus came in the kitchen and laughed a bit. He went up to corbin, kissing his forehead to wake him up “ hey love..”


"Mmnnh…?" Corbin stirred a bit and opened his eyes, blinking sleepily. He swore when he noticed the pot boiling over, quickly moving it off of the heat.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed softly, even he hadn't noticed it boiling over. Once corbin was done doing whatever he was doing, he pulled him close and put his forehead on the others. He gave a soft smile to the crow “ feeling any better?”


Corbin sighed as well and closed his eyes, just letting Cyrus hold him. "Mmm… not really. I was trying to… to… you know. Be helpful. Make food. I dunno how to talk…" His forehead still felt hot to the touch.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed “ your helpful to me corbin, every minute you're in my arms. No need to exert yourself. “ he said softly and gave corbin a peck on the lips “ what were you wanting love? I'll make it.” he offered kindly and nuzzled their noses.


Corbin relaxed into Cyrus' arms, his eyes still closed. He hummed quietly, his wings falling limp behind him. "Mmmnnhh… I wanted to make Mac n cheese…" He replied. "Buuut… then I fell asleep and the water… bubble."

Deleted user

“ I got it, go lay down for a bit and ill be in there,” he said and kissed corbin again. He grabbed a box of mac and cheese, putting the pot back on heAt.


"Okay…" Corbin returned the kiss and shuffled back to his room. He flopped down on the bed and buried himself in the blankets, quickly dozing off.

Deleted user

Cyrus fixed corbins food, letting it cool for a bit and grabbing an ice pack while the crow was sleeping, he didn't want to chance to have on in bed and corbin to end up sleeping on it.


Corbin was still asleep when Cyrus came in, his wings puffed up and wrapped around himself. He yawned and rolled over, shifting his positioning to be more comfortable.

Deleted user

“ cori,” he said and nuzzled corbin. “ I got your food love.” he said softly


"Mmm…?" Corbin opened his eyes and looked up at Cyrus. "Yaaaay… food." He rubbed at his eyes and sat up so he could eat.