forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

Cyrus made a soft tweet, laying his head back down and closing his wings around himself

Deleted user

Cyrus smiled a bit. Keeping his arms around corbin, now and then he'd chirp, keeping himself awake.


Corbin always returned the occasional chirps, but otherwise kept quiet. He was still pretty slow and groggy from being sick, but he was at least awake.

Deleted user

Cyrus’s chirps became less and less frequent. He eventually fell asleep again

Deleted user

Cyrus woke when his alarm went off for 8pm. He sat up and looked around.


Corbin stirred at the alarm as well, whining softly and covering his ears with his hands as he curled up into a ball.

Deleted user

Cyrus shut the alarm off, pulling Corbin back into the tangle they were once in.


"Mmmmmmnnhh…" Corbin buried his face in Cyrus' chest, still upset about the noise. He gripped Cyrus' shirt tightly and wrapped his wings around himself.


"Mm… mmkay…" Corbin mumbled in reply, trying his best to relax again. After a while, his grip on Cyrus loosened and his breathing slowed.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept a tighter grip on corbin through the night. He snored softly after a while


Corbin managed to sleep through the night, and he was mostly feeling better in the morning. He still wasn't 100%, but definitely better than he was.

Deleted user

Cyrus’s dark circles were still prominent on his face but not as bad. Once the morning sun was on his face for a bit would he have woken up. Cyrus sat up and looked around


"Morning…" Corbin mumbled sleepily when he noticed Cyrus was awake. "Mm… do we have any plans for today?" He asked.

Deleted user

“ just training. I have a rank test today. “ he thought about making corbin stay home, though he knew corbin would hate him for it. He still needed someone there though. He got up and called the only other Person he knew that had a good hold on magic.


(Is it Lorenzo adfhjk)
Corbin whined softly when Cyrus got up. "Mmmm… but I wanna go with you…" He insisted. "I'm… I'm feeling mostly better now. I can just come with you, can't I?"

Deleted user

“ no, I'm sorry cori, but no.” he said and paced a bit on the phone while waiting for them to pick up. ( yes it's Lorenzo )


"Why noooot…?" Corbin whined, sitting up on the bed with a pout. Soon, the phone picked up and Lorenzo answered. "Yes? Do you need something, Cyrus?" He asked tiredly.

Deleted user

“ yeah, actually. I need you to spectate my training test today. I have a bad feeling about it and I don't want corbin seeing. “ he said softly into the phone


"Spectate your training?" Lorenzo repeated, considering quietly for a few seconds while he listened. "Mm… I suppose so. What's the address?" He asked.

Deleted user

Cyrus listed the address, giving instructions on how to get the best viewing seat. “ I'm going to head there see you in a bit.” he said and went back to corbin, he kissed corbins head and grabbed his clothes “ you should visit Nathanael, he asked if we would visit some time..”


"Alright." Lorenzo hung up and headed to the training location. Corbin was still pouting, upset that he wasn't allowed to go as well. "Mmmmm… okay…" He replied quietly, looking down at the bed. He soon got up and put on a thick jacket so he could head over to his dads' house.

Deleted user

Cyrus arrived at the training field later. He stood stock-still for a moment as his father ordered Cyrus's wings to be aced behind his back. He raised his arms and let the medics do their thing. Soon enough he was hearing out how this test would go. It was a test on pure ground skill and how far his powers in bending water have grown.