forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Lorenzo was sitting silently in the stands with his arms crossed, watching the inspection closely. He didn't know exactly what Cyrus needed him there for, but he figured that he must be monitoring for something specific, so he kept a close eye on everything.

Deleted user

As the fight went on it only got rougher and rougher for Cyrus. Every few minutes his dad would bend the earth and send Cyrus flying backward. At some point he hit him hard enough to send him limp and skidding across the ground. It took several minutes for Cyrus to get back up.


Lorenzo stood up when Cyrus was sent flying by his own father, clearly worried. He wasn't sure what he could do, though, since it wouldn't go well if he were to interrupt training.
Corbin made it to his dads' house and came inside to hang out with Nathaniel while Cyrus was gone.

Deleted user

Cyrus stood back up, shaking slightly. he knew that if he gave up he failed the test. Cyrus shot water from all directions at his father, waiting seconds before making them freeze into points.


Lorenzo relaxed a bit when Cyrus got back up, but he was still on edge. He could really only hope that the exercise would end soon. He didn't like to see someone getting hurt like this; especially someone the same age as his own son.

Deleted user

It took one last defining blow for Cyrus's training test to end. Medics ran over to check him over, releasing his wings from the wrap. Cyrus had passed the test, collecting his ranking medal and walking back to Lorenzo.


Lorenzo came down from the bleachers to check on Cyrus as well, clearly worried. He shouldn't be taking this kind of damage from his own father… "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. "That looked pretty rough, Cyrus…"

Deleted user

Cyrus gave a weak laugh “ he went easy compared to last time “ Cyrus let his wings fall, dragging a bit behind him. “ I won't have to take another test until the end of next month. Thank God..”


Lorenzo sighed softly, walking alongside Cyrus to make sure he wouldn't collapse or anything. "This is too rough for you. Blue Jay or not, this isn't safe for anyone to be doing."

Deleted user

“ if it was out of sorts the guards watching would have stopped him.” Cyrus said softly


"This shouldn't be the regular, though. It isn't safe." Lorenzo repeated. "I know this is what you're used to, but that doesn't make it okay."

Deleted user

“ I know it's not okay, trust me I do. But I can't stand up to him. I have no proof. He's doing in training courses so it's just ‘fair play’ in the eyes of the elites. “


Lorenzo sighed again. "Well, at what point are you even allowed to stop? Are you just expected to put up with this sort of treatment forever?"

Deleted user

“ until I reach an elite level rank.” he said softly “ about a year from now..” he mumbled and looked at the ground. Cyrus usual bright blue eyes were masked with a bit of tears


Lorenzo scratched the back of his neck, considering. He was clearly conflicted. "There's some sorts of magic that might be able to help protect you, but… not entirely. It's hard to know how to help."

Deleted user

“ I wish I could help but I'm not experienced in much else then bending elements” he said softly


"Yes, I know. I've dabbled at least a little in most areas… protection magic is difficult to configure. Especially something subtle enough that your father would draw up to skill rather than magic."

Deleted user

“ so basically I'll be busy these next few days. “ he said with a raised eyebrow


"I suppose so, but I never said I wasn't helping. What do you think would work best for you?" He asked. "As far as what kind of protection, anyway."

Deleted user

“ something that's going to strengthen my archain to water but not stress my body or stamina.” he said


"Well, I'm thinking more of something that'll prevent you from getting hurt so much." Lorenzo replied, humming thoughtfully. "Like a simple protection spell, but find some way to make it less obvious or visible."

Deleted user

“ Sounds like a plan then” he said softly and grabbed a bottle of water, he opened the cap and used the water to half-ass heal himself.


"I'll have to do some research. I'd recommend you do a bit yourself as well." Lorenzo watched Cyrus healing himself. "Is Corbin home alone right now?" He asked.

Deleted user

“ no, I asked him to go see Johnathan company “ he said and put the water back in it's bottle


"Alright, that's good… I'm sure Nathaniel's glad to see him. And it's best if Corbin isn't alone what with all that's been happening lately." Lorenzo sighed softly.