forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

“ it will, you just puked twice.” he said a little smartly and laid down with corbin. He kept his arm around corbin to rub his stomach softly.


"Mmnh…" Corbin shied away from the touch, looking uncomfortable. He kept his face buried in Cyrus' shoulder and his wings were limp behind him.

Deleted user

“ sorry.. Thought it would help..” he said softly when corbin pulled back. He kept his wing around the other avain and cuddled silenttly


Corbin huddled closer when Cyrus stopped, clinging to him with his face hidden. Eventually, he managed to fall back asleep.

Deleted user

Cyrus yawned softly, keeping corbin close and hoping his fever would end soon. Cyrus had training, and unlike corbin, if Cyrus called out it may result in injury and he wasn't going to put corbin through that if his father came to the crow's house.


Corbin was still very warm and uncomfortable, and it didn't seem like his fever would break any time soon. His breathing was shallow, and he stayed huddled up against Cyrus for comfort.

Deleted user

Cyrus finally fell asleep, worry sealed onto his face. He only kept a loose hold on corbin


Corbin managed to sleep until the morning; the sun had risen by the next time he needed to get out of bed to throw up.

Deleted user

Cyrus was already up and getting Ready for training, he called corbins kinder dad to help step in for him while he was gone


Nathaniel sounded worried that Corbin was sick, but said that he was happy to take care of him while Cyrus was at training. He headed over while Corbin was asleep again.

Deleted user

Cyrus left, heading to what he thought was a simple training order. But when he got there the only people out there were high-ranking guards and his father. “ shit..” he said weakly to himself. He knew he was in for a world of just from the last training session.


Nathaniel soothed Corbin after he woke up, explaining the situation to him and getting him some soup, which he insisted on feeding him. He helped him get dressed in fresh comfortable clothes despite Corbin's protesting and settled him in bed again.

Deleted user

After the day Cyrus came home covered in cuts and bruises. His white shirt was no longer practically white, it was a dirty pink from sweat blood and dirt


Nathaniel looked up when Cyrus came in, his smile quickly fading when he saw him. He got to his feet, leaving Corbin asleep in his bed. "Cyrus, what happened?" He asked softly so as to not wake Corbin.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed “ dad trained me today” He said softly and tries to cover the cuts “ I'll be fine. Just tired “


"No, no… come with me. You can't just ignore injuries like these." Nathaniel sighed softly and gently took Cyrus by the wrist to take him into the bathroom. He pulled out the first aid kit and started to clean the wounds.

Deleted user

Cyrus would flinch every time Nathaniel would touch his skin. He still seemed a bit out of it from the battle


Nathaniel spoke to Cyrus softly to soothe him as he cleaned the wounds. He'd had a lot of wounds like these himself. Eventually, he carefully pulled off Cyrus' shirt so he could tend to the wounds underneath as well and toss the shirt in the wash.

Deleted user

The one's underneath Cyrus’s shirt were quite a bit deeper. He looked from the bathroom and into corbins room. He let a worried sigh slip


Nathaniel winced when he saw the wounds, but only paused for a moment before he continued. Soon, he had bandaged Cyrus up. "There… does that feel better?"

Deleted user

“ y..yeah, thanks..” he mumbled and went to his bag to grab a loose t-shirt.


Nathaniel nodded quietly and followed after Cyrus, leaving the bathroom door open so it was accessible to Corbin. Upon looking at him more closely, he looked… strangely young. Although he was in his forties, he looked exactly as he had when he was in his twenties due to how angels aged compared to avians. "Corbin is doing alright for now…" He said softly. "He threw up a couple of times, but I got him to eat something and he's in fresh clothes now."

Deleted user

“ do you have any idea when he’ll get any better ?” he asked with a tone of worry.


Nathaniel tilted his head from side to side, considering. "Mm… I'd say he probably just had a stomach bug, so… a day or two, maybe? Hard to say. I don't get sick very often myself."