forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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"It hurts… a-and I'm really sick of it." Corbin coughed weakly and curled up into a ball, trying to ignore the throbbing in his head. "Make it stop… p-please…"

Deleted user

“ I.. I'm sorry.. I can't..i.. I can't help..” Cyrus’s voice cracked, he took a sharp inhale and held corbin close “ I.. I'm sorry.”

Deleted user

“Corbin… I can't really do anything..” he said, Cyrus sounded like he was about to cry. Though he'd hold it in. One rule Cyrus's father made damn sure to get in his head was never let anyone see you cry.


Corbin clearly didn't hold to the same rule as tears were beginning to roll down his cheeks. His dads had always told him that it's okay to cry, after all; especially Nathaniel, who was always picked on for being so emotional.

Deleted user

Cyrus wiped corbins eyes softly. He kissed his forehead, he's still warm. The bluejay sighed and kept the crow under his wing. The only thing he could really so was here for corbin but for him, that was like being helpless in a war.


Corbin was still flushed with fever and clammy, and he was clearly uncomfortable as he shifted around on the bed. It took him a while longer to be able to drift off back into a light sleep. His breathing was ragged and shallow, and he just looked pretty awful.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept a hold on corbin, though he let him move freely. He sighed softly, being up all night except for a few hours in the morning. Cyrus was running on a little over two hours of sleep when he got up to make corbin some soup. He made sure to make it luke warm, bringing it to the crow and waking him softly


"Mmnh…?" Corbin stirred with a soft chirp, blearily opening his eyes to look up at Cyrus. He blinked a few times to try and get his vision to focus, but it wasn't really helping. "What's that…?" He asked softly. "Cyrus…?"

Deleted user

“ it's something to eat, it may help the pain from constantly dry heaving..” he said softly. Cyrus sat on the bed beside corbin and waited for him to sit before handing him the tray.


Corbin reluctantly pushed himself up into a sitting position and accepted the tray. He picked up the spoon with trembling hands and tried to get a spoonful of soup, but he was struggling not to spill it.

Deleted user

Cyrus gave a soft sigh, he felt horrible for not being able to do much. As the sun set in through the curtains the dark circles under his eyes seemed to be a little more visible on his face. He stiffled a yawn and waited for corbin to finish.


Corbin managed to eat some of the soup, but eventually just grew frustrated with trying to eat it by himself and set his spoon down with a shaky sigh. "Thanks…" He mumbled softly to Cyrus. He hadn't eaten much of it, honestly, but he'd tried to eat a bit.

Deleted user

“ do you want me to help you?” he asked, his blue eyes looking to corbin

Deleted user

Cyrus grabbed the bowl and spoon, moving the Tray to sit Closer to corbin. He gave him Small bites for a bit


Corbin seemed a bit embarrassed to need help like this, but he was tired and his whole body was shaky, and he was hungry enough that he couldn't let it bother him too much. Eventually, he shook his head a little when the spoon was offered to him to signify that he was done.

Deleted user

Cyrus eat the bowl down, he pulled corbin into his lap softly and funded the others back. He wrapped his wings around corbin to keep him warm. “ I love you, you know that right?” he asked softly.


Corbin nodded and buried his face in Cyrus' shoulder, huddling closer to him. "Mmnh… love you too…" He murmured softly in reply. "Thanks for helping me… I-I know you're trying your best…"

Deleted user

“ you're welcome love,” he said softly and nuzzled corbin.


Corbin yawned and coughed weakly, curling his wings around himself. "How long do you think it'll take for me to get better…?"

Deleted user

“ I'm not sure cori.”he said softly and kept holding the littler crow


Corbin nuzzled into Cyrus' chest, trilling weakly. His voice was raspy and tired. "Mmnh… but I wanna feel good…"