forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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"It's not a big deal… didn't want to wake you up for something stupid like that." Corbin closed his eyes and sighed.


"I'm old enough that I shouldn't be upset over dumb dreams anymore." Corbin looked away, fidgeting with his wings. "Figured I'd just get up and do something productive to get my mind off it."

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed and gave up on trying to argue, one corbin was done cooking and that sat down to eat was when cryus started to think about his mom. Her go visit her soon enough and just get over it.


Corbin sat down at the table as well, poking at his eggs with his fork. Looking at them made him feel kind of sick, so he didn't really want to eat.

Deleted user

“ cori, what's wrong,” Cyrus asked. The boy was acting weird today, though he himself had been as well, maybe it was rubbing off “ your upset, I can tell.”


"I just… don't feel well." Corbin replied softly. The way he said it sounded like an obvious lie, but looking more closely, he really didn't look like he felt good. He dropped his fork and closed his eyes, resting his arms on the table.

Deleted user

Cyrus got up and went to corbin. He rubbed his back and tried to comfort the crow. what was going on?


Corbin tensed up at first, but relaxed after a couple of seconds. He kept his eyes closed, looking pale and uneasy.

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Cyrus was worried now at this point and pulled corbin into a snuggle. He picked him up and moved them both to the couch.


Corbin buried his face in Cyrus' shoulder, trembling lightly with his wings dragging on the floor. He kept quiet, not sure what to say.

Deleted user

“ cori what is wrong, I can't help if I don't know. You seem so sick..” he asked softly


"I-I dunno… I'm… I'm probably just sick…" Corbin replied weakly, faking a cough. "Don't worry about it…"

Deleted user

“ no, I am worrying about corbin. You're going to the doctor. I've got a good one “ he said and stood up, he planned to keep corbin in his arms.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed “ fine, but your staying home with me. All day.” he said sternly


"Fine… I'll have to call into work, then." Corbin huddled a bit closer, still seeming like he was keeping something from Cyrus.

Deleted user

Cyrus could tell corbin wasn't being honest about everything, but right now that wasn't his problem. Right now he had to get corbin feeling better. He held corbin tightly and sat back down, wrapping his wings around the boy and snuggling into the crook of his neck. It was the warmest place on corbin.


Corbin shuddered again like he'd done the night before, but simply hid his face as well. He was tense for a moment before he was able to relax into Cyrus' touch. He felt a bit warmer to the touch than usual.

Deleted user

( just asking, is this like a heat or something ?not against it just asking. Sounds fun tho)

Deleted user

( oh ok, I was so fucking confused and that's like the first thing in my head.)

Deleted user

Cyrus could feel the difference in his body temp “ maybe you should take some medicine, you're burning up cori, “ he said softly, he planned on calling corbins dads to see if they had any tips on helping him.