forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Cyrus handed him some food and kissed his forehead, walking to work with him.


Corbin ate his lunch on the way to work, heading into the bookshop and getting himself situated behind the counter once he was inside. "What's your plan for today?"

Deleted user

“ not really sure, I mean I have plans tomorrow but that's about it. “ he said and stood next to corbin

Deleted user

“ tomorrow's my birthday, though I only plan on going to mom's grave..” he said softly and looked down at the book he was reading


"Oh, really?" Corbin seemed excited, we've then sad. "I'm sorry… would you like me to go with you?" He asked softly.

Deleted user

“Only if you want to,” he said softly. Cyrus kept reading until the door opened, he looked up, wondering who had just come in.


Corbin glanced up at the customer and came out from behind the counter to help them find whatever book they wanted.

Deleted user

Cyrus could have sworn they looked similar but decided to leave it alone and let corbin do his job.

Deleted user

( is just making a plot. Maybe it's the dude from the first practice?)


(Uhhh sure lol)
Corbin recognized the guy, but he wasn't allowed to deny customers help if they needed it. As he was trying to help the guy, he seemed to be all over Corbin, his hands wandering even though Corbin asked him to stop.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept an ear and an eye out for corbin to come back. He got worried when corbin didn't come back soon. He got up and went to find him.


"S-Sir, please stop that…" Corbin insisted weakly as the man put one hand on his waist and pulled him close. He tried to pull away, but the man just pulled him close again with more force.

Deleted user

Cyrus had in fact found corbin “ I suggest you get yourhand off of him,” he said coldly to the guy “ I won't miss the second time.”


When Cyrus showed up, the guy finally released Corbin and Corbin was able to pull away. He moved a bit closer to Cyrus, fidgety and nervous.

Deleted user

Cyrus took Corbin's hand in his. “ come in this store again and I promise you, you won't see the light of day again. That's a warning.” he made sure his blue wings were visible. Common sense is that everyone knew a blue jay was a soldier.


The guy scoffed a bit and turned to leave. Corbin was holding his breath, only exhaling when the guy was gone. He buried his face in Cyrus' chest, clinging to him.

Deleted user

“ I know.. I thought something was up when you didn't come back” he said a little worried. He walked back up to the desk with corbin and sat.


Corbin nodded and sat back in his chair, fidgeting nervously with his hands and staring down at the desk. "… Hopefully he doesn't come back."

Deleted user

“ he won't, he can get arrested for it. Especially if I catch him in here,” he said. Cyrus put his hand in Corbin's to keep him from fidgeting too much.


"Yeah, I guess so…" Corbin held tightly to Cyrus' hand, switching from fidgeting to tapping his foot on the ground. "I dunno how he figured out where I work…"

Deleted user

“ it's quite easy love, you come to the same place every day and it's within a five-mile radius of the apartment. “ he said and pulled corbin into a small cuddle hug.