forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

“ you would think but they are sometimes really disgusting. Just watch,” he said as the show came on.


Corbin shrugged again and huddled closer to Cyrus, not especially invested in the show, but watching it anyway since Cyrus wanted to.

Deleted user

Cyrus watched and cuddled corbin, snuggling into the crook of corbins neck.

Deleted user

Cyrus yawned and wrapped his wing around corbin “ love you,” he said softly.


Corbin flushed red and trilled, burying his face in Cyrus' shoulder. "I-I… love you too…" He whispered in reply.

Deleted user

Cyrus chuckled at corbins shyness. He snuggled a bit closer and kissed his forehead.


Corbin chirped softly again and huddled closer, keeping his face hidden. He drew his wings up and got more comfortable.

Deleted user

Cyrus pulled and blankets up and yawned. He eventually fell asleep quite quickly.

Deleted user

Cyrus woke up early, unable to go back to sleep. He got up and filled the house with the smell of muffins. Cyrus could cook with just about anything


Corbin was still asleep for a while, but eventually stirred at the smell of muffins. He whined softly and rolled over, opening his eyes.

Deleted user

Cyrus took out the batch of muffins and sat them on the stovetop. He smiled at his skills, even if he was almost covered in flour.


"Cy…?" Corbin called out sleepily from his bed, still buried in comfortable pillows and blankets. "What're you doing…?"

Deleted user

Cyrus came back in “ I am baking. Mostly because I can't sleep.”

Deleted user

“ About five.” he spoke softer to corbin, realizing he'd just woken up, cyrus took his hand kindly. And then. He put a muffin In corbins hand

Deleted user

“ mhm, eat something and then I'll snuggle you again.” he said and laid down.

Deleted user

Chris laughed softly and let him eat, cuddling him once he was finished.

Deleted user

Cyrus wrapped his wings around the other, nuzzling into corbin.