forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

Cyrus had changed in corbins room, he was halfway through dressing when he heard corbin come out. He was still looking for his uniform shirt “ where the hell is it,”


Corbin flushed and looked away when he saw Cyrus shirtless, not wanting to invade his privacy. "U-Um… are you almost ready to go?" He asked nervously.

Deleted user

“ Yeah, have you seen my shirt? “ he asked, clearly ayokay with corbin seeing him like this. He walked around again. When he turned his back to corbin a back full of scars showed. He back was utterly covered in scars, some deep some lighter. Though the most peculiar would have been a circle with a slash through it.


"U-Um… no, I… I haven't…" Corbin stammered in reply, taking notice of the scars after a few seconds. He eyed them with a confused, concerned expression. "Hey… um… Cyrus?" He asked softly. "What… happened to your back?"

Deleted user

Cyrus flinched a bit, closing his wings to cover them “ it's lessons learned. “ he mumbled softly. “ found it..” he said and slipped his shirt on. “ ready?” he held his hand out, his eyes seemed to tear up a bit at the mention of the scars.


"Cyrus…" Corbin pleaded softly, heading closer to him. Cyrus' words didn't reassure him at all either. "Are you alright? What happened?" He asked, taking Cyrus' hand in his own. "It's alright. Is there anything I can do to help."

Deleted user

Cyrus turned to look at corbin. “ when I came home the night you got. You know. Those cuts on my face were from my father, all the same on my back. The only one that wasn't his marks let on me is the scar is the scar of a soldier. Anyone of blue jay blood has that scar burned into their back from a young age. There was no choice for me, just like there's no choice for crows to be targeted. “


"I don't want to let him hurt you, Cy… I don't want you to get hurt any more than you want me to get hurt" Corbin held a bit tighter to Cyrus, seeming nervous. "He shouldn't be hurting you like that. You haven't done anything wrong. Not that bad behavior is an excuse to hurt your kids anyway…"

Deleted user

“ yeah, but that's how things go. The world sees him as a good man. There's nothing I can do cori” he said softly. He moved to go forward,” we need to go or ill be late.


Corbin sighed and reluctantly followed Cyrus, clearly not convinced. "I just think that there should be something that can be done about that, I dunno. It's not fair."

Deleted user

“ I was taught that life wasn't fair, and then I got you, so I believe that's pretty fair. Shitty dad and a wonderfully perfect boyfriend. “ he said kindly as they walked outside.


"You deserve a good dad who doesn't hurt you, though." Corbin insisted, holding tightly to Cyrus' hand. "Are we flying to training?" He asked softly.

Deleted user

“ no, not after yesterday. I'm just going to walk. Honestly, it's not that far, “ he said and started walking to the training facility. Once they got there Cyrus stood out on the field with a few other students. His two friends stayed near corbin, cracking jokes about Cyrus bad posture or other things.


"Okay…" Corbin kept close, internally sighing in relief that he didn't have to be in the air again so soon. He seemed nervous when they were separated, fidgeting with his wings as he stood with Cyrus' friends. He looked pretty small and fragile where he stood watching Cyrus from the stands.

Deleted user

Cyrus took to the air, today was speed training. Cyrus shot across the air with the other students, and as every one of them got close to the finish line they had things thrown at them without a moment's notice. Everyone including Cyrus was knocked out of the sky, two of them fell on their stomachs but the blue jay had something they didn't, hummingbird genes. He flipped over and kicked off the ground, shooting back up into the sky.


Corbin's heart dropped when Cyrus fell, hurrying up to the railing to check if he was okay, and sighing softly in relief when Cyrus took to the skies again. He cheered weakly for his boyfriend, his own wings stretching out behind him a bit. "Y-You're doing great, Cy! Keep going!"

Deleted user

Cyrus looked over at corbin. Hed almost forgot the boy was here “ thanks cori. “ he yelled back. Cyrus ended up beating the challenge first, with some students in a close tie for second. Cyrus came back to corbin. He was exhausted after flying so hard and fast. He practically collapsed when he finally sat down.


Corbin applauded for Cyrus, still looking nervous, but glad nonetheless that Cyrus had performed well. "Good job! Um… is it time to go back home now, then?" He asked, sitting down beside Cyrus.

Deleted user

“ yeah, “ he huffed out. Then someone called out, the man was a grey-haired, battle-a worn and Scarred man. If it hadn't been for the way Cyrus jumped into a bolt straight stand with his hand behind his back and one to his forehead you would have thought it was a crowds-men calling for Cyrus. Though it wasn't until the man came closer did his darkish blue wings come into view. This was Cyrus’s father. The smaller blue jay let his wings relax to cover corbin from view. “ stay.” he whispered to the crow. “ what the hell was that Cyrus! You should have been the one to stay up in the air!” he yelled


Corbin looked up curiously when someone called for Cyrus, tilting his head to the side a bit. After glancing between Cyrus and the man for a couple seconds, he concluded that they must be related. When Cyrus hid him with his wings, Corbin leaned to the side a bit so he could get a closer look at the man, although he flinched at his sharp voice. He cowered back behind Cyrus' wings after that, although his legs and parts of his wings were still visible.

Deleted user

“ I.. I promise I..ill stay up there sir!” Cyrus’s voice wavered after his father's stern reaction. It wasn't until Cyrus flinched badly could corbin see the man with his hand raised to hit Cyrus. He seen corbin and lowered his band quickly “ if your can't even be at the top of your training classes then you might as well be no son of mine. Go take care of your crow shigima “ he snapped.


Corbin flinched as well as though he expected the man to hit him as well as Cyrus. His wings puffed up and he shielded his face with one forearm, his heart racing. He relaxed a bit when he noticed Cyrus' father had lowered his hand, but he still seemed uneasy, and he grabbed onto Cyrus' arm to feel more secure.

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Cyrus watched his father go, only breaking his stiff position when he was out of sight. “ I'm so sorry cori I didn't think he'd say anything. “ he said and held corbin close. The bluejay wrapped his wings around corbin


"I-It's okay… it's… it's not your fault…" Corbin replied softly, burying his face in Cyrus' chest. He felt small next to Cyrus, but comfortably so. He liked how it felt when Cyrus held him close. "We should probably head out now, right?"

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed “ yeah before dad comes back.” he said and put his hand in Corbin's, walking away from the scene and heading home.