forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

Cyrus put his head on corbins, “ cori, breathe with me. In-“ he breathed in “ out- “ he breathed out.


Corbin tried his best to obey, drawing in a shaky breath and then starting to cough again. His wings puffed up and he held tighter to Cyrus.

Deleted user

“breath Cori. Breath” Cyrus said calmly. “ in and out” he said softly


"I'm— t-trying…" Corbin kept struggling to breathe, fighting back tears. Eventually, after a long time of forcing breaths, he seemed to be breathing more normally.

Deleted user

Cyrus rubbed corbins chest in an effort to ease the pressure on his chest.


Corbin's grip on Cyrus was weakening and he seemed tired. His eyes were falling shut now that he could breathe better.

Deleted user

Cyrus held Corbin, humming his melodys from the night he won the music show.

Deleted user

" Okay lets go”. Cyrus said softly.he picked Corbin up and carried him to bed, laying next to the other. He yawned softly, snuggling up to Corbin.


Corbin's bed was large and circular, and it had lots of soft pillows and blankets. Corbin settled himself in the midst of all of those things before he huddled up against Cyrus, drawing his hands close to his chest as he drifted off to sleep.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept his arms around Corbin drawing in sharp breaths. The heat of his room was almost suffocating. almost. Cyrus yawned again.


Corbin was sound asleep in the morning, seeming more comfortable in his warm, soft bed than on the couch. He was nestled snugly against Cyrus, and his breathing was finally even.

Deleted user

Cyrus signed contently, finally seeing Corbin calm gave him a sense of security.


Corbin slept for a while, but he eventually stirred and stretched his wings straight out behind himself with a wide yawn. "Mmmmmm…"

Deleted user

Cyrus kissed Corbins head " welcome sleepyhead" he said jokingly


Corbin whined again, protesting being awake. He buried his face in Cyrus' chest, huddling closer to him. "Don't wannaaaaa…"

Deleted user

“ then don’t, I’ll stay and cuddle you, “ he said and snuggled closer to Corbin, wrapping his wings around the other.


"Okaayyy…" Corbin yawned sleepily again and settled into Cyrus' arms, clearly exhausted. He didn't wake up in the morning well.

Deleted user

Cyrus yawned after corbin, nuzzling his softly. He ran his fingers through corbins hair.


"Don't wanna do anything today…" He mumbled weakly. He fluffed up his wings a bit and settled into the bed more comfortably.

Deleted user

“ that's fine cori,” he said softly “ but I have training later tonight. Your coming with me, I'm not risking you getting hurt or in a serious situation.”


"Mmkay… it's cold outside, though…" Corbin whined softly. "And what if that guy comes to bother me again? I don't wanna talk to him."

Deleted user

“ I've got a couple of buddies who will watch you while I'm training, “ he said and brushed corbins hair out of his face.