forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Corbin's heart dropped when he felt himself falling down backwards, his vision blurry with tears. He tried to maneuver himself so he could be in a position to catch himself, but his wings kept twisting and he couldn't get to a place where he could fly. He cried out in fear, tumbling helplessly through the air.

Deleted user

Cyrus dove, his wings flat to his back. He reached out to grab corbins hand. He had just as much as a terrified look as corbin, finally he reached the others hand. Only a minute before hitting the ground, Cyrus's feet hit the ground hard. Damn his flight training really counted right about now.


Corbin clung to Cyrus for dear life, keeping a death grip on his shirt as he sobbed into his shoulder. He was incoherent at this point, hyperventilating and crying and generally just not doing great.

Deleted user

“ corbin! Are you okay!?” he said and clung To the other. He was crying his ownself


Corbin couldn't respond through his gasping for air. He was shaking violently and seemed terrified, and his grip on Cyrus only tightened as he sobbed. His wings were puffed up with fear as well.

Deleted user

Cyrus huffed a bit. Soldiers were trained to never feel fear, so this was something new, he didn't know how to react. Cyrus stood up and clung to corbin “ okay walking home.”


Corbin whined shakily, burying his face in Cyrus' shoulder. He drew his wings up to hide himself, his shoulders shaking with his sobs. By the time they got home, he was crying quietly.


Corbin clung to Cyrus, taking a while to finally start calming down. He was still trembling, but his breathing was a bit more steady.

Deleted user

“ is anything wrong?” He asked stiffly “ other then your scared, can you think straight?”


Corbin whimpered softly and curled up a bit more. "I-I think— I— I-I'm… okay…" He stammered in reply after a few seconds.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed and nuzzled into Corbin. “ love you, you know that right?”

Deleted user

“ I'm sorry, I should have had a tighter grip. “ he said softly to corbin. He rubbed the boys back and sang softly to him.


"M-My wings, they… t-they kept twisting… I c— c-couldn't catch myself…" Corbin hiccuped and curled up smaller.

Deleted user

“ most birds can't fly when falling back first cori,” cyrus explained “ only hummingbirds and half breeds of that species can”


"B-But I tried to flip so I was right side up, but— but— I-I couldn't do it…" Corbin choked on his words, coughing weakly.

Deleted user

“you're fine, You're fine. “ he said soothingly and rubbed corbins back.

Deleted user

“ Corbin, you need to settle down. “ he said with worry “ your starting to hyperventilate “


Corbin whimpered, his breathing harsh and shallow. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and he was starting to feel a bit dizzy.


"I c— c-can't…" Corbin insisted, choking again and lapsing into a coughing fit, struggling to draw in full breaths.