forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Lorenzo was even more suspicious at Cyrus' meekness, narrowing his eyes and turning his attention to his son. Corbin swallowed nervously and glanced over his shoulder for a second to look at Cyrus. "Um… so…" He began, trying to find the right words. "I guess I should just rip off the bandaid and say that… uh… Cyrus and I are dating now." Corbin said awkwardly. Nathaniel smiled and clapped a bit, seeming excited. Lorenzo exhaled sharply, still not happy.

Deleted user

Cyrus looked up, his pale blue eyes meeting the two fathers “ I have no intention of fighting. Not do I think I could. Quite injured right about now. “ he said in an almost whisper. Though he did grab a hold of corbins hand bravely.


"We're not going to fight you, Cyrus." Nathaniel insisted, holding his hands up a bit and looking up at his husband, who still wasn't pleased, especially not upon seeing Cyrus grab his son's hand. Lorenzo walked forward and took hold of Cyrus' wrist. "Come with me. I think we need to chat one on one." He said in a low voice.

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Cyrus flinched a bit when the man grabbed his wrist. “ okay?” he said and looked back to corbin on last time.


Corbin offered him a weak, encouraging smile before Lorenzo took him to another room to sit him down one on one. "So," he began once they were alone, "what exactly are your intentions with my son now that your relationship is not strictly professional?" He asked stiffly.

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“ honestly. I wanna be there for him, he makes me so… I don't know…Giddy and just makes me forget all my problems when I'm around him. I want nothing but the best intentions for him. As I said, it's my duty to protect him no matter what and I know he'd do the same. But honestly, I failed last night. My dad had gotten a hold of me, and while I thought it was best to try and cover my wounds and make sure corbin didn't see them, it was my fault I took too long to get to him. He ran into trouble and I feel like it's my fault. “ he paused to look at the ground “ but he wouldn't believe me and I even got him to settle down after he got worked up about it.” Cyrus explained


Lorenzo listened closely to Cyrus, reminded of his husband when Cyrus spoke of Corbin's actions. Nathaniel always had a tendency to blame himself for things that weren't his fault; something left behind from his childhood that still lingered. Regardless of that, Cyrus hadn't given him enough information. "What happened to my son?" He asked, his voice still stiff and cold.
Nathaniel and Corbin were chatting with each other in the other room. Corbin was understandably worried, and Nathaniel tried to assure him that it would be fine. Lorenzo would come around eventually.

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Cyrus sighed “ corbin was mugged, though he said he wasn't hurt or anything, just scared shitless. I tried my best to calm him down.” he said and looked back to the floor


Lorenzo sighed as well, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "And you weren't with him because your father wanted you to be at training." He said, more of a statement than a question. "You'll need to tell your father that now that you have a charge, you can't be leaving him alone. It's dangerous for crows like him to be wandering alone, especially… if they're Corbin. He's small and he's incredibly kind and caring, and he deserves the world. If you want to stay with my son, you sure as hell better be giving him the world."

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed “ my cuts are the result of saying that. “ Cyrus took his bandages off “ I tried to leave early to go get corbin, he wasn't so happy with that. And I promise you I'm trying my hardest to give him everything he could want or need.” he spoke softly


"Surely he understands how the whole guarding system works? You aren't really supposed to just leave the person you're guarding alone, especially if they need to be traveling. Corbin doesn't exactly live in a great part of town, either, so he's especially as risk. Your father must understand that."

Deleted user

“ don't think he cares much if he does. Just the type of man he really is. “ Cyrus said softly. “ he'd kill me if he found out about me and corbin. Though I'm not leaving corbin again after that. If I have to skip training all together I will, but I'm not leaving his side” he said determinedly


Lorenzo nodded a bit. "Good. I'm not sure if he told you this, but this isn't the first time he's run into trouble. He's been mugged a couple of times, and he gets harassed quite a bit in public, even if he isn't always entirely aware of it. He's sort of oblivious, and in addition to that, he learned to tune out the voices when he was pretty young. Being a gay couple who adopted a crow meant we were subject to that sort of thing a lot, so he learned that the best thing to do is to not listen."

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“ sounds like a good bad habit “ he said and stretched his wings a bit. “ I can see why he has a target on his back though, seems like a hard childhood. “


Lorenzo nodded again. "We did everything we could to protect him, but there wasn't much we could do about him getting bullied in school other than encourage him to not let it bother him too much. We always did the best we could to make sure he was doing okay."

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“ and I plan on doing the same, the only difference is I’ll get physical if they try to harm him. “ he said flatly, Cyrus knew He’d put anyone six feet under if they tried to hurt corbin and he was with him.


"Presumably that's something you're allowed to do as a guard, I suppose." Lorenzo shrugged. "Physical assault is generally frowned upon for average citizens. Just make sure you keep my son safe. He and Nathaniel are the world to me."

Deleted user

“ I understand and yes, if anyone was to attack him I could out them six feet under. “ he said in explanation.


Lorenzo nodded again. "Alright then. Corbin is sensitive, and you need to be careful with him. He's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, and he gets targeted a lot even though he doesn't deserve it."

Deleted user

“ I know, he's been nothing but nice to me. “ he said and sighed “ speaking of which, I should get back to him before he gets worried.”


"Yeah, he's probably already worried, but he's talking to his dad, so he should be alright." Lorenzo adjusted his positioning a bit. "We'll have to talk more some other time."

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“ agreed,” Cyrus said and stood up, waiting for the other father to follow.


Lorenzo got to his feet and followed Cyrus out of the room. Corbin looked up when the door opened and got up as well, looking between the two of them nervously.

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Cyrus gave corbin a genuine smile. He went back to the crow's side. “ hey cori”


"Hey… how did it go?" Corbin asked anxiously taking one of Cyrus' hands in both of his own. "It was fine." Lorenzo answered for him.