forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Corbin nodded and followed Cyrus closely, his heart still racing a bit. "Um… what do you wanna do when we get back?" He asked after a while of walking.

Deleted user

“ anything you wanna do, be said and looked down at corbin thoughtfully “ I'm up for anything you have in mind. “


"Well, I don't really have anything in mind… I'm happy to just lay in bed and watch TV or something." Corbin shrugged.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed “ sounds good to me,” he said softly and leaned a little on corbin

Deleted user

Cyrus laid down next to corbin, he put his arm around the other's waist and snuggled close to him. Sometimes he was thankful for Corbin's small size and this was on of those times


Corbin grabbed the remote and turned on some random show before huddling up against Cyrus, humming softly in content. "Feel free to change the channel to whatever…"

Deleted user

“ Okay, “ he said half dozing. Cyrus put his wing around corbin and nuzzled into the other, feeling content with corbin in his arms.


Corbin closed his eyes, finally relaxing. He hadn't been very relaxed the past couple of days, after all. It didn't take him long to fall asleep in Cyrus' arms.


Corbin stirred a little later due to his stomach grumbling. He sighed and opened his eyes, glancing up to see if Cyrus was awake.

Deleted user

Cyrus was still asleep, but his face was stressed. He may have been having a nightmare but it was hard to tell.


Corbin gently shook Cyrus to try and wake him, noticing his troubled expression. "Cy? You okay?" He asked softly.

Deleted user

“ hah? Oh, yeah I’m fine love, what’s wrong?” He mumbled to the other

Deleted user

“ yeah a small one. “ he pulled corbin close. “ what did you want love?” he asked again

Deleted user

Cyrus laughed “ same, lets go get something to eat.” he kissed corbin softly and sat up, streatching his wings out.


"Okayyy… do I have to get up?" Corbin whined, starfishing on the bed. "I'm comfy here… why can't I just not feel hungry?"

Deleted user

“ I don't know and yes, I'm taking you somewhere nice. “ he said and leaned over corbin.

Deleted user

“ mm somewhere like golden corral, so get dressed,” he said and kissed corbins forehead.


"Mmmmmm… okay." Corbin closed his eyes and flushed a bit harder when Cyrus kissed him. "I'll need you to not be in here while I change, then."

Deleted user

“ Okay, I'm going to go get ready,” he said and got up, Cyrus grabbed his clothes on the way out. He went into the bathroom, he thought it'd be and braided his hair back in a loose French braid. He buttoned his suit top and his skinny pants.


"Okay." Corbin got up once Cyrus had left and changed into another nice sweater (with patterns this time) and pants. He put on a coat over his sweater and headed out.