forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Corbin still wasn't entirely sure that Cyrus was okay, but he didn't push the subject. He unlocked the door once they reached his apartment and headed inside.

Deleted user

Cyrus started to relax a bit once getting home, he yawned and sat down.

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“ no I'm fine, can we just.. Cuddle I guess” he asked softly and sat on the couch

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“ I will,” he said and nuzzled into the crook of Corbin's neck.

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Cyrus was curious about Corbin's sudden reaction to him. He wouldn't press it further once the crow calmed but he just thought it was a wee bit weird


Corbin yawned and wrapped his arms around Cyrus' neck, relaxing his wings so they comfortably cascaded down the couch. He seemed perfectly relaxed now.

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Cyrus wrapped his wings around corbin, tucking them underneath his. He yawned softly, keeping corbin close.


Corbin relaxed more in Cyrus' arms, slowly drifting off to sleep where he lay. Despite the fact that he normally needed pillows and blankets to sleep, Cyrus was warm enough and comfortable enough for him to fall asleep on.


Corbin was awake before Cyrus in the morning for once and had seemingly vanished, although he was just in the kitchen.


Corbin was making some eggs for breakfast for him and Cyrus even though it was pretty early. He wasn't normally awake yet at this hour.

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Cyrus had heard the sound of corbin cooking, he came up behind corbin and hugged him from behind, even Cyrus was a little sleepy. He yawned softly “ morning love,”


Corbin jumped a bit when Cyrus suddenly hugged him, quickly rubbing at his eyes with one hand while he cooked with the other. "M-Morning, Cy…" He replied softly.

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Cyrus nuzzled corbin “ why in the bloody hell are you up so early.”

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“ what happened?” he asked worried for corbin, “ why didn't you wake me up?”