forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Cyrus fussed, reaching across the bed for corbin. “ mmm” he sat up with an absolute mess of hair. He’d gone a while now without cutting his hair. Cyrus eventually got up and brushed his messy hair and went into the living room. “ cori?” he asked sleepily.


Corbin wasn't in the living room either. At first, the apartment was entirely silent; almost eerily so. However, after a minute or so, noises could be heard from the bathroom. It sounded like Corbin had woken up in order to go throw up.

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed and went to the door, he knocked first before coming in to comfort corbin.


Corbin was still hovering over the toilet, gasping for breath. He didn't seem to notice Cyrus coming in. His wings were puffed up and disheveled, and he seemed to be shivering where he knelt on the floor.

Deleted user

Cyrus knelt down to corbin “ I know your puking but, are you okay?” he asked softly.


"Mmmnnnhh…" Corbin replied, curling up on the floor and pressing his forehead against the cold tiles. "F-Feel like crap…" He mumbled. "I'm s… I'm s-so tired… but I don't wanna throw up in bed…"

Deleted user

Cyrus pulled corbin to him gently. “ I'll put a trashcan by the bed okay?” he said softly.


"O-Okay…" Corbin closed his eyes and huddled up against Cyrus weakly, still shivering. Bits of his hair were plastered to his pale forehead. "It's… c-cold in here…"

Deleted user

Cyrus sighed and wrapped his wings around corbin. “ I'm sorry.”


"Mmnh…" Corbin buried himself in Cyrus' wings, still cold despite his relatively warm sleeping clothes. "W-Want… to sleep…"

Deleted user

“ okay,” cyrus said softly and lifted corbin up, taking him to the bed and laying corbin down “ want me with you?” he asked softly.


"Mhm…" Corbin nodded weakly, still clutching Cyrus' hand after he was laid down on the bed. "D-Don't leave me… please…" He whispered.

Deleted user

“ I won't, “ cyrus mumbled softly. He laid down with corbin and wrapped his wings around him “ I've got you, “


Corbin buried his face in Cyrus' chest, making himself as small as possible so he could just be enveloped in Cyrus' warmth. Within a few minutes, he had fallen back asleep.

Deleted user

Cyrus curled around corbin, trying to cover every inch of corbin to keep him from getting cold.


Thankfully, Corbin was still asleep in the morning, although he was stirring uneasily. He huddled closer to Cyrus in his sleep and exhaled shakily.

Deleted user

Cyrus hummed softly to help ease corbin. He didn't want him to wake up and still feel awful.


After another couple of hours, Corbin stirred a little and then woke abruptly. His face paled and he covered his mouth with one hand as he rolled over. He reached down to clumsily grasp for the trash can and barely managed to get it close before he threw up again.

Deleted user

Cyrus woke almost immediately to corbins movements, he sat up and rubbed corbins back.


Corbin groaned weakly, his hands trembling as he closed his eyes again. "Mmmnnngh… I-I hate being sick…" He whispered, his voice raspy and quiet.

Deleted user

“ it looked like it sucks..” he pulled corbin to him, wrapping his arms around corbin and nuzzling his softly


Corbin whined and set down the trash can before huddling back up with Cyrus. "Mmm… how am I still throwing up…? I haven't been eating or whatever, there shouldn't be anything else in there…"

Deleted user

“ it's dry heave. “ he said softly, cyrus re curled up to corbin and sighed softly.