forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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"Mmmmnhh…" Corbin buried his face in Cyrus' shoulder and clung to him. "But why would he know where I live? Is he watching me? Do you think he's still watching us right now?"

Deleted user

“ no, after most people find a blue jay soldier they stay away. “ he said and cuddled corbin to calm him down some.


"I guess that makes sense…" Corbin relaxed a bit when Cyrus held him close, closing his eyes with a soft sigh. "I'm probably just overreacting."

Deleted user

“ no, it's perfectly okay to have this kind of response. It's good actually, it will keep you safe,” he said smartly


"Mmnnh… I guess so…" Corbin huddled closer and looked around the shop to make sure no one was there. "At least I won't be here too long."

Deleted user

“ yea,” he said and watched as the woman who covered For corbin came in

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“ a book about the stars and how it affects magic. “ he said softy, pulling corbin close to him and keeping an eye put for the man.


"That's cool." Corbin held onto Cyrus' hand and followed him down the sidewalk. "Mm… can we get coffee?" He asked, looking up at Cyrus.

Deleted user

“ sure,” he said with a warm smile. He walked to the nearest coffee shop, walking in there was a burst of the smell of cinnamon.


Corbin grinned up at Cyrus and followed him into the coffee shop, still holding his hand as he looked up at the menu. "Uhm… I'll have a cinnamon Mocha with whipped cream, please."

Deleted user

“ just black coffee,” Cyrus said kindly to the lady, he went to go sit in a booth with corbin.


Corbin swung his legs a bit while he waited for his coffee, humming softly to himself. When the coffee was ready, he went up to grab both of their drinks and brought them back to the booth.

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Cyrus thanked corbin, absent-mindedly drinking his coffee as if it wasn't hot. He watched out the window.


Corbin watched Cyrus curiously as he sipped at his own coffee. "You alright, Cy?" He asked. "You're kinda spacy."

Deleted user

Cyrus looked over “ huh? Oh ya I'm fine love.” he said softly.

Deleted user

“ it's nothing cori I'm fine I promise. “ he said, the avains blue eyes met the others.

Deleted user

Cyrus smiled to corbin and resumed looking out the window, “ so anything else you wanna do today?”

Deleted user

“ Okay,” Cyrus said and waited for corbin to be ready to leave.