forum The begining
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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He stood on the edge of the roof, the cat safely in his arms. “You could’ve kept going with them if you wanted to.”


Brink nodded and swung his legs over the edge, holding the cat in his lap. “This is probably weird to ask but do you understand them?” He asked, pointing to the cat


Brink smiled and tilted his head "thats cool! is it a temporary thing or you can choose when and how long to stay?"


He nodded and glanced down at the at who had curled up in his lap "are there more like you or just those in your family?"


Brink had gone out that night for a late night stroll/hunt for anyone who was unfortunate to cross his path. Button down shirt open and flapping in the wind, he strutted down the street, brandishing his tattooed smile with the same cockiness as any villain


Brink glared up when he heard someone approach. He tilted his head sharply, his eyes narrowing and his smile fading “cat?”


He walked to her side "are you alright?" he asked softly, taking a look at her and scrunching this eyebrow "who did this to you?"