forum The begining
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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“Oh come on now, I saw what you did to my brother when you touched his arm. He’s never that submissive. He’s tear the world apart for you and he doesn’t even know.” She shook her head and finished off her fries


“Nah, course not. But soon.” She laughed and went back inside, looking an arm around her little brother and ruffling his hair


"Isn't that the fun part? not knowing your path in life?" brink mused over his shoulder, Holding the bat on his shoulders while his hands rested over it


brink smiled widely and turned on his heal, still walking backwards "you threatened, by the laws of crime, you strike first."


Brink suddenly stopped, tilted his head sharply and headed down an ally way. "i'll meet you at home," he called to his family as they continued on


brink unhooked the bat from around his shoulders and swung it lazily beside him as he walked on. He glanced down at something in the dark and crouched dow, seemingly to pet a creature.


Brink gently picked up the cat and place her in the hood of his jacket as he climbed the fire escape to the rooftops above