forum The begining
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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Harley waved a hand dismissively “no problem, just don’t get shot again.” She winked and stood. “You sure I can’t convince you to come with us for dinner, it’s Monday.” She’s grinned, wildness in her eyes


“Oh no, it’s nothing like that, we mostly just scare everyone out a wendy’s And raid the frosty machine.” She shook her head “somehow I think they like having you bug them, Brink in particular.”


"oh it is!" Brink piped up from the threshold of the basement. He smiled at vanessa, glad that she was okay before walking to the kitchen. His father came out a little while later. "so you're the one my son and daughter have been talking about…" he drawled, wrapping his arms around Harley and kissing her cheek


"well, you did beat the daylights out of Jack's boyfriend so it seemed appropriate to discuss you." Joker smiled, eyes filling with malice for the boy who dared mistreat his daughter


Joker chuckled softly before nodding and straightening. "some learn, some die." he rolled his shoulders and went to find Brink in the kitchen


Brink had hopped up on the counter and was now eating some crackers in the shadow of the kitchen, his bright green hair and eyes visible in the light from the living room


"I saw that," Jacklynn whispered from behind Vanessa before coming to stand in front of her "i didn't know cats could blush," she laughed softly and glanced at her brother who was adorably oblivious


"mhhmmm sure.." she laughed and sat beside her brother, breaking him out of his trance. "Hey Jacks! are we going out again. betcha I can run the rooftops faster than you." he challenged, eyes bright


"you're not coming with us?" Brink turned and glanced at Vanessa, a slight frown on his face. "we have frosties…" he offered, grin coming back


Brink grinned happily "one hour is all you need to go crazy." he winked and headed out the door with his family in tow


Brink had taken his mother's bat while Jacks took her pistol. The siblings walked along the rooftops while their parents took the middle of the road, not afraid of being seen